Apr 22, 2009 17:54
I am not a fan of labels. I do not need one. I do not need *any*
I do not need people sticking a tag on me, deciding that I'm "manic depressive" or "definitely ADHD positive" or anything like that. I am perfectly happy being my hyper little self, thanks, without someone deciding that I need to see a professional. Which I've been told a lot lately, for some reason.
It's not my parents, either. My mother's been giving me the sex talk - oh, joy! - and my dad's hoping I'm not being "unwise with men." And they're on the light end of it! My friends, for some reason, have decided that I'm being wild and debaucherous (my spell check says that's not a word, boo) and partying with boys. If by "partying with boys" they mean "playing D&D with males" or "babysitting at a children's party," then yes! They're correct.
People are assuming that I'm doing a lot wrong, when I'm only doing a little wrong. I'm failing English, okay. I'm not being proactive on my summer job plans, okay. I'm not sleeping enough, okay. I'm not ignoring the things I'm responsible for, or abandoning my friends. If I had time to hang out with you, I would! I really would! I don't have enough time for myself, let alone anyone else, *please* get off my back :/
But I'm okay with that. I just need people to stop assuming things are wrong with me. I've had a few people tell me that I'm acting differently lately, which i really don't think I am. I'm as hyper as always, with as big crashes as always. It's how I function! I'm on a ridiculous high 90% of the time, and then I'm way crashed the rest of the time. *And,* I'm always crashed at home. I don't even do it around other people! So thay have no room to tell me that I need to see someone for my mood swings.
I like me just fine the way I am, thank you >