
Nov 01, 2003 17:26

BWAHAHAHA its been like.. 2 years since ive updated this XDD *dies laughing* i looked down and saw stuff about my I SEARCH. scary. crap that reminds me- i gotta go back to my middle school and get that.. hmmmmm.... *lazy* maybe they'll mail it to me.. LOL.

*sun went down* *turns light on* there we go. ive all of a sudden (not really ive been thinking about this for a couple weeks now) decided ot start up meh livejournal again. whai? cuz i feel like it. poking around on other people's makes me yearn for a forum of my own. i was reading the paper a few days ago and in the LIP section (teen column thing) they were talking about online journals. the writer's friend wanted ot have his journal URL posted. and it was. dude i wouldnt've done that. haha. crazy. i tend ot ramble, so if you dont like it, well.. hell, who'm i even talking to??? nevermind. im going to die of homework. im stressing about algebra 2 cuz it goes fast and nothing is explained and i need ot be TAUGHT these things thank you!!!! gawd, it dont just get up and osmose into my brain!! sheesh. im praying (hoping) i have a good teacher next year. damn i dont know if i wanna take honors english. i HATE writing entrance essays. damn them. i cant beleve people ask me if i "cuss" (weird word, dont like it). they havnt been spending enough time with me of they have to ask. ill cuss whenever i damn well feel like it, biotch! *snort spit* lol!

i like poking around other people's jouirnals. maybe ill check in on emma's.. people are a lot more open there and it lets me in their head. i get ot know them better. shouldnt thishappen during like... human contact with them? convorsation, you know?

last night was halloween. werent gone for candy long, cuz chara had to go back so we went with her **leave no man behind** and preena had to go hella early (before 10) cuz her mom sprung a trip to SF on her the night before. even tho preena's plans were made SOO much earlier (like a month) before and she didnt really NEEEED to go. so we watched 'carrie' (less scary the second time, but they were scared. lol it was really fun clinging ot eachother when the mom was behind the door and the freaky jesus. damn its scary. no wonder i was scared shitless when i first saw it :O btw the pig scene isnt really anything. whats the big deal?)

im looking at the lipstick-smooch chara put on a card for me LOL "chandra says..." HAHA i lurve it. if i had a binder or something i'd put it in. lol maybe i will, yet. this is really long it seems but im not done yet. heres a list of all the things im currently stressing out over:

1. my math test tuesday (AAHHH IM GONNA FAIL IM GONNA FAIL!! i didnt know i could retake them!!)
2. having time enough to tutor those kids. i want to, and i want the money. but where shall galia find the time for it???? maybe ill drop out of juggling club and miss outdoors club meetings.. lol
3. math hw and the speed at which the class moves (lots of stress accociated with my math class right now)
4. people. i love them. i hate them. i worry about them. (i have a picture of minniechan on my desk. no, shes not the ONLY one im worried about.)
5. uhhh.. the usual stuff? being forced ot dance in public. letting people down sometimes. i feel a need ot be there for people... i considered considering trying out for OSA (not that i can get in on my wit and charisma alone :D) but i feel like im needed in a hellish place like DV more. AHAHA that sounds so selfassured n stuff XD

so much stress!!!! aahhh whyyy???? i ahve a c+ in the science, and i know my alg grade will just go down, down, down... i only want a B in the class... only a B.. @_@
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