Oct 30, 2004 19:41
# of years old: 14
# of pets: 1
# of dead pets: 4 goldfish and a hamster
# of siblings: 0
# of step-parents: 0
# of pairs of shoes: 10
# of pink clothing items owned: uhh like 10?
# of boys kissed: i cant remember..
# of girls kissed: like 4?
# of times suspended from school: 0
# of times cried in last month: a lot
# of recreational drugs done: 0
# of times been drunk in last month: 1
# of times been high in the last month: 0
# of countries been to: gahh i dont know. a lot
# of cds owned: idk like 50 or something
# of times ran away from home: 1
# of times broken curfew: 1
# of keys on keychain: 3
# of favorite athlete: dont have one.
favorite #: 27
least favorite #: 36
I hate that bush is probably gonna be our president for another 4 years. even if he doesnt get voted, he will find someway of cheating himself into it. i hate that hes anti-gay marriage just because of a line in the bible. gahhh. im done.
What are you doing for halloween? im gonna be a fairy and im hanging out wtih my girlies. haha girlies. a.k.a. sarah, rachael and tori