A Sunshiny Post

Mar 27, 2008 23:36

(cross-posted in the other LJ)
Some song from some car commercial caught my attention, so after some searching around on the modern miracle known as YouTube, I found some interesting versions of it. The song is Flesh Failures/Let the Sunshine In, from the Broadway musical "Hair".

First, the version of the song from the movie. NOTE: It shows a spoiler of the movie ending.

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Then, the version as popularized by The Fifth Dimension as part of Age of Aquarius. Love the key change in the middle. Yay for '70s special effects. This was the actual version from the TV commercial I first saw.

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Now, a German techno remix of the song:

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They say that a movie has only truly made it when a pr0n version is made of it. I think the equivalent for a song is when a Swedish remix version is made. I think Swedish law requires that every such group has to have two females and two males, and at least one of the males has to be, err, flamboyant:

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Last but not least, the French disco version! By the contestants from the 2003 French equivalent of American Idol. Actually pretty catchy.

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