I've managed to stay above the 300 page mark consistently. The problem has been that I originally had 320 pages in the first half of the manuscript but I had to cut a total of approximately 50+ and I kept getting it back up to 300, but not over with the revisions.
Yesterday was an exceptionally good day for writing. I am pretty certain I made up major ground from the week before. The hard part was re-ordering everything so that it made sense in the new environment. I managed to add more dialog which seems to please my readers.
zannachan and I got a good day of work in, then had dinner at House Bruce. Our friend R came over as well. He'd gotten bitten by the muse late last night and wanted to head out of a coffee shop and write for the evening. We ended up at the E.L. B&N for several hours. It was a good stint of work. I even managed to cross that hurdle of 'this isn't fun anymore' into 'ooohhh a muse!'. Very happy.
Hopefully, today will go well and I can get the next chapter sorted. I'm trying to do at least a chapter a day, or write 10 pages. Either one works as with these bloody revisions it truly depends on what's happening with the story.