Well I had a pretty fun day spending money I don't have, lol. I love shopping; I swear I need to marry a rich guy to feed my hobby. Anyway, I got 2 pairs of shoes, a new purse, some shirts from the Disney store ($5! And I got the last Nightmare before Christmas one!), and an alligator from build-a-bear dressed in wizarding robes and a scarf. I named him Weasley.
In other news, no one ever comments on my graphic posts. I mean a share a journal with 2 other people who do get comments- is it so much to ask that those commentors look at my stuff, too? Anyway, in case you're interested, I have a new graphics post @
_hexxus (including that wallpaper with the anberlin lyrics, Kara). There's 6 icons and 2 wallpapers of the women from Lost.