Jul 05, 2007 18:34
I just had a phone call from my IB coordinator - the IB marks are in, and she thought I'd like to know how my students did. This is a first - she usually just puts a copy of the marks in my mailbox at school and I get to find out in September how everyone did.
There was one "3" (on a scale of 1-7) - and the "3" got her diploma, which means she had a "5" in another subject to balance off the "3" ... they have to have 4 in all six subjects to get the diploma. No "7"'s, but I wasn't predicting any. I'd predicted three "6"'s, but only two students got them - at least they were students I'd predicted getting that mark.
In all, she said I was pretty good with my predictions - IB is kind of a weird programme, in that respect - the final mark in any course is primarily determined by an external examiner (or several, depending on how many parts the exam is in), but about a month before exams, teachers have to submit "predicted" grades to IB. I'm glad to know that my system of predicting grades is, for the most part, accurate. =)