Aug 09, 2005 05:43
ok so hmm.. still working on making the new place feel like a house and such.. not really unpacked completely.. working too much to really :) went to see "The Adventure's of Robin Hood" on the big screen which was just weird.. is one of my favorite movies so I know it by heart so was odd to see how many people as well turned out to see it :) the audience was also reactionary so was extra fun .. like with the short before the film of "Rabbit Hood" where bugs kept torturing the sheriff as he tends to do and a cartoon Little John kept saying Robin would be here soon.. and then finally at the end they cut to a schene with Errol Flynn swinging in cut from schene where he welcomes the captives after they have fallen into the trap in Sherwood :) Anyway enough about the movie it was awesome :) if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it since it is also on DVD now :) My birthday went pretty well missed some friends as some were MIA from the festivities. All in all it went well though coworker/friends and my mom and sis did well to make me not think about how old I am which is always a plus :) Well think I will rap it up. :) *massive bear hugs* to all and to all a good LJing