(no subject)

Jun 02, 2010 15:36

Meme up ahead, click to see ridiculously answered meme!

Stolen from chumee who stole it from hibari_rikuo (I think.. she's Ri-chan, right? owo)

About You:
Name: Sshhhh... >///<  galeaya is fine 
Nickname: Gale :3
Height: 162.5 or about 5'3" 
Age: 19.
Race: I'd like to think I was separated at birth from my mother-spore, which is undoubtedly Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD :O 
Hair Color: black, but I just dyed it a dark brown-red 
Eye Color: brown~!
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Write the first thing that comes to mind:
I like: big butts and I cannot lie~! XD 
I Love: proverbial dot dot dot.. nothing comes to mind. 
Everybody: was Kung-Fu fighting -- HIYAAAH! 
Slap that: @$$! 
Haha: Yamamo-chan!
Crayola: Toyota! I used to call our car that.. Toyota Crayola. XD 
One: Two, buckle my shoe..
Pink Martini: GHEI!Poland in a skirt riding a pony in all his pink glory. :3 
Lightning: Rod. -snigger- 
Alice in Wonderland: JackSparrowed!AnneHathaway fluttering about 
School: Money. Allowance, where be you? Tuition fee, where be you? 
Barack Obama: Black. O.O 
You're a ghost: No, I'm a ghoul.
I will: get up once my chest stops hurting and lets me breathe normally again. 
Are you bored?: well, I've had nothing to do but watch the evolution of toilets all morning, what do you think?

THE 3:

3 wishes, excluding wishing for more wishes:
1. Wish I had a job right now 
2. Wish I didn't have to depend so much on adults who do nothing but break promises 
3. Wish the new season of TBBT and Gintama were here already (I'm being optimistic and saying that Gintama is just on hiatus until further funding)

3 favorites songs (and artist):  
1.Those Nights - Skillet
Made me love 8059 even more than the canon duets because of a very well crafted fanvid <3 
2. Kaleidoscope World - Parokya ni Edgar 
Brings all the good memories I can come up with 
3. Kaze to Tada Mae wo Mita - Aluto 
The one song that I love more than Michi. ;A;

3 things you love:
1. Phone that I bought for myself. :3 
2. Fandom that I joined by myself. :3 
3. Fanstuff that I got for myself. :3

3 people you can’t live without:
1. My true friends. You know who you are. 
2. Probably my doctor, 'cause who'd give me my meds? XD 
3. My moms. <3

3 favorite hobbies:
2. picking on people mwahaha! 
3.Downloading stuff - games, manga, dj, apps, music, movies, everything possible - and burning them to disks

3 favorite TV shows:
1.The Big Bang Theory! TBBT!
2. That Myths show in the History Channel that airs every 10pm on Wednesdays. :3
3.Used to, but it got canceled - The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. ;3

Do fish get thirsty?
 - Do I look like fish to you? :3 
Do vampires get AIDS?
- Depends, are we talking about the possibility of them sucking blood or fucking? 'Cause I'm pretty sure vampires can't get erections. owo. And I'm not sure how  their metabolism works, but I'm pretty sure no one can get aids by ingesting infected blood... unless they have lesions in their stomach. So no, probably not, at least not in the way you meant the question, no. 
How come chocolate milk doesn’t come from brown cows?
 - Well, duh, choco milk doesn't come from brown cows, they come from choco cows! Brown cows make brown milk, everyone knows that! 
Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?
 - Because they want to blow themselves up secretly and collect insurance. It's all a conspiracy! -shifty eyes- 
If a fly has no wings would you call him a walk?
 - I'd call it galeaya's experiment. I do that, you know. Catch flies and tear off their wings for fun. Sometimes I throw them off stuff and see if they go splat. >D I'd call it an invalid. 
Why can’t we tickle ourselves?
 - Yeah, it's unfair, isn't it? Other people can tickle and hurt us, but we can only hurt ourselves. It seems like there's a universal plot against people making themselves happy. 
If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
 - No, it's most probably dead and rotting. So don't touch it. 
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
 - We won't. Why  would we even suspect? >D 
If blind people wear dark glasses, why don’t deaf people wear earmuffs?
 - It's more for our sake that the blind wear glasses, to let us know they can't see. Deaf people can still see you trying to talk to them and will be able to make a gesture that they are deaf. Unless they have their backs turned of course. That, and earmuffs are uncomfortable, hot and look ridiculous on a normal day. Also a breeding ground for germs.   
If Superman is so smart why does he wear his underpants over his trousers?
 - Superman's smart? Wow, since when? I've got to tell Batman! And don't even bother changing that to Batman, Batman can wear whatever he wants 'cause he's badass. >D  
Why is it called a “building” when it is already built?
 - Ah linguistics!Building is being used as a noun here, not the verb. Would you rather have it called "Builded" then? Let's go inside the builded. The main builded houses about 50 families. He fell off the 20th floor of the builded. :O  
What do you call a male ladybug?
 - Squished. Because I said so, and my words became flesh. That, and I hate bugs. 
What do you call a bedroom with no bed in it?
 - Is there a futon in it? Banig? A relatively flat surface that can be used for reclining? Yes? Then, a bedroom. 
What do you say if you’re talking to God, and he sneezes?
 - Bless you. Then giggle. 
What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don’t pass?
 - Then I don't survive. I doubt it though, unless all the other participants gang up on me and eat me. 
Can you daydream at night?
 - Sure, why not?
Can you cry underwater?
 - Sure you can. Not sure if you would see your tears though. Or if you could breathe. Provided you could breate underwater, and that you could distinguish your tears from the water as the means to determine if you are indeed crying, then yes, it's possible to carry out a experiment that would require test subjects who would cry over the water, under the water and subjects that would not cry over the water and under the water. If such an experiment could be done, the it is possible to determine the differences of a person crying under water and a person not crying under water, with both people not under the water serving as the control variables. If there is a significant difference found, then can we only give a conclusion. YES. 
If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot they said "died laughing":
 - Ever heard of "Too much of a good thing?" No? Then how about OD? >D 
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs if rabbits don’t lay eggs?
 - 'Cause it wants to carry them. Never said it laid them. That, and it sounds less of a meal than Easter Chicken, or Easter Turkey. owo 
Do you like this Section?
 - I like answering stupid things stupidly.

This Or That:
Money or trust: I agree chumee. Gimme guns and ammo, and I can easily get both. >D
100 friends or 1 best friend: 1 Best Friend 
Basketball or football: Football as in Amefuto? or are we talking about the original? XD Etiher way, football! 
iPod or cellphone: My LG Arena over anything! It PWNS. But I do want to have an iPad. owo 
Milk or juice: gyunyuuuuuu..
Nike or Jordan: Eeeew, my feet stink in closed shoes. I'd rather have flip-flops. :3 
Red or Blue: ORANGE.
Rock or Rap: Rock.
Pasta or Pizza: Pizza, if only it were as cheap as pasta. 
Chocolate or lollipop: How about a choco loli?
Fight back or cry: Fight back by ignoring and torturing. >D 
Loud or Quiet: Quiet.
Britain or United States: US culture is closer to our own, but  I'd like to experience Britain for myself. 
Winter or Summer: Autumn. Please. Not too cold, but so not like the sweltering heat here. 
Cold or Hot: Cold weather! Cold food! Warm showers. :D 
Math or English: English. 
Lazy or athletics: Is there no lazy athletics?
Lasagna or Salad: Lasagna!

What do you like most about yourself?: My abiity to attract the worst people of the opposite sex.
When was the last time you were in a hospital?: Thursday the previous week. Had to, for that sickness. 100/70 low blood galore. Lost some weight. Gained some height. The med tech who took my blood wasn't really paying any attention to me, she was talking on the phone. I waited about ten minutes before she got tired of me looking at her and picking at my nails. She took my blood while she was still talking on the phone, just randomly stuck a needle in me and took the blood without even swabbing me with alcohol. It hurt, and I know I'm not just whining because I had just gotten my cervical cancer vaccine shot, and lemme tell you something, that is probably the most viscous shot in the world. And it hurt even more, because she just randomly stuck it there without warning, her hands heavy because she was ballancing the phone on her shoulders. The sad this is that she's also the handling the urine and feces for testing, and she didn't wash her hands after handling my urine before using the needle on me. 
When was last time you cried? Why did you cry?: Last night. Because I choked on my vomit. And wow, that really stings the throat. 
Your ultimate goal in life:Meet Kujirai Kousuke and make him fall in love with me.
What did you get for your last birthday?: Nothing important. Quite literally. Except the happiness of hanging out with two of my friends. :D 
What are you looking forward to??:Graduating and going to law school.
Do you like apples?: Yes, but I prefer watermelons.
What would you do if your best friend/ good friend backstabs you?: Oh, well.. -laughs weakly- Can we get to the next question already?
Do you like being alone or chilling with friends?: Depends on the mood. Hm.
Do you type LOL a lot?: Not really, I'd rather type it like this: :D or XD or ;A; or >////< or >D 
First initial of your worst enemy?: E.
What would you do if someone slapped you in the face?: They  wouldn't even get near. >D I'd have slapped them first, anyway.
Do you do your homework every day/ Do you go to work every day?: I kind of have to. Since I have to pass them. 
When was the last time you lied to your parents?: Depends which parent is it. 
Have you ever fallen off your bike?: Yes. Learning was fun, though painful and bloody. I remember that time I fell off while trying to climb up a ramp, skidding myself on the asphalt and landing with the injured leg on the gross drainage. It was very very painful. Good thing it didn't get infected. But it was fun because after that, Istarted learning for real.
How do you feel about piercings and tattoos? I wanted to get henna once. But no piercings for me. 
What are you suppose to do right now?: Rest. owo
What is your favorite food?: Fruits. Particularly ponkan. And watermelons. And corn. 
Did something go wrong today?: Malfunctioning organs part of this..? 
Can you type A-Z without looking at the keyboard?: not even gonna try, no. XD 
Are you listening to music?: Erm, I was when I started this. But now.. it's uhm.. well, on a BL drama. o.o and it's on that part. You know.. The uhn-ahn-ngh part. owo 
What are you going to do after this?: Rest some more.
What the most thing you like about your room? It's not mine, so I don't have to clean it. And there's A/C at night because my mom can't stand the heat. 
What the last email Inbox message say?: Chumee replied to a post I made. Oh, no, it changed. Now it's an alert of a review reply from liete  
Do you have TV in your room?: Not my room, but there's TV. 
What is your worst subject at school and why?: Math... but there was one subject I had in elementary that I did really bad in... Home Economics and Livelihood Education. HELE. Hell, eh.The only thing I did right in that subject was sew. I couldn't cook, wash clothes, clean and do all those other stuff to save my life. 
If we go back to the mall, Would you steal me chocolate again? :I'd rather buy it for you if you want.
What/ where do you want to be in 10 years?: Married to Kujirai Kousuke, living in Japan, have a career as a producer, rich enough to afford that time's version of our times' ipad - that should already be able to play all sorts of files, living as the queen of all BL and Yaoi.
What is your worry at the moment?: Passing my ojt and getting my allowance before I'm forced to walk to school. 
Did you like this meme?: Well, it kept me occupied. :D 
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