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Nov 02, 2009 20:23

Fandoms as Exes meme WHOOT from chumee

The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:

Yatteranneze. Did I get the spelling right? It's been years since I last read this manga.. god. It was awesome! Gah, I'm starting to sound like America from Hetalia..

Also Samurai X. Aka, the-first-anime-to-make-me-cry-and-frustrated-and-love-it-for-a-HET-pairing-that-wasn't-even-canon. ;A;

Nanae Chrono's Peacemaker Kurogane. You have to read it to understand.

Saiyuki Gaiden. It would really break your heart. Nothing has ever broken my heart so much. I'm still crying from the ending, and I finished it last week.

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets:

Prince of Tennis. Oh the fun times with OT5. I will never forget you! ;A; Sadist pair, I miss you. Perfect pair, you will always be perfect. Thrill pair, no other pair can make me shiver like you do. Uke pair, no other uke pairs will ever rival you.

Also Yugioh, but that's an even older, more rarely visited fandom.. :3 Oh Kaiba-sama. You started all my fangirl dreams.

Ookiku Furikabutte. I almost forgot you, you quiet son of a B! ;A; Son of a Baseball! Baseball!

The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy:
Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation. That anime with the yaoi-ish brothers.. Night Head Genesis, was it? Jack Frost. They were all fucking crazy. Trinity Blood, you're perhaps the only vampire series I ever really liked. D. Gray Man, damn, you really had me heartbroken when you left but it's okay cause you're back now...

AND DEATHNOTE. OH L--------------

Bloody Monday should be here as well, no?

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved he doesn't actually live in town:

HETALIA. GODDAMNIT, FRANCE. DAMNYOU. I am so glad this series only has 5-minute long episodes. And that I only remember to watch it every once in a while. God. This series.. Oh, but I love it! It should be a guilty pleasure of some sort.

VAGABOND DAMN YOU TOO. You make crazy people who talk to ghost spirits things so cool.

AND SAIYUKI DAMN YOU AS WELL. Damn your reload and your reload gunlock, you should continue the anime cause we need to see Sanzo SPOILER kick Ni Jenyi's ass SPOILER

The steady:

Naruto. I'll never get tired of you. Bleach. You rock my world. Reborn. You take the breath out of my lungs. Bloody Monday. You are an addiction. Vagabond. Why the F are you here as well? Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom. You are my baby. Vassalord. You're my other baby.

And of course. GINTAMA, my one true love, how can I ever thank Sorachi for giving birth to you. And look, you even have a movie now! MOVIE! YEAH, YOU KICK ASS BABY!

The one you repeatedly cheat on your steady with:

YAOI MANGA AND DOUJINSHI. SIMPLE. Yamato Nase. Kazuhiko Mishima. Naono Bohra. And all you other mangaka whose names I can't actually remember right now because this was so impromptu. ;A;

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:

Claymore. Because I got frustrated downloading you.

Get Ride! AM Driver. Because I could never find the manga or the anime or the gma version of it.


The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't:

Detective Conan. BUT I'M CHANGING THAT RIGHT NOW only a thousand more chapters to go till I've caught up with it, ahahahahahah

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool dude except it's never really gone anywhere:
Final Fantasy. I don't think it will ever be my thing.

Vampire Knight as well? Ahahah, and there was another one, but I simply forget their names... they seem great and all, but they won't be able to give me what I want.

The one you slept with on the rebound who still smiles at you, yet you have no interest in any more:

huh, hard question. Bleach and Reborn aren't looking too hot nowadays... Bleach just keeps on going and going and going and going and going and... and going with the fight scenes so it has gotten a little boring. Reborn just keeps getting weirder and more ridiculous, but I guess it's been too much of a constant that I can't bring myself to drop it. But rebound.. rebound..

OMG I dun have a rebound.

EDIT: OH YEAH! I do have a rebound! Ookiku Furikabutte and Slam Dunk and Gundam Wing! :3 Yeah, yeah, those still work for me! XD Oh, how could I ever forget you, 1x2x1 and 3x4 and 13x6 whooooo~ My love for number-pairs came from here! :3

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?":

Twilight. My eye twitches every time I hear someone mention you, every time I see someone reading you, every time I sense someone's about to buy a book of your series. You suck. You rode on the Potter Train and you demolished it and made a name for yourself... with TWEENY FANGIRLS. -eyetwitch- I hope you die, fandom. Because I dun like you. D<

Vampire Knight? -shudder- It's really not my thing, I guess.

The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly:
I guess I'll go with Vampire Knight as well. I dun really listen to their babble. And they mostly talk about non-Anime/Manga stuff, so how the heck should I know? -shrugs- Although I do have another in mind, but I'm keeping it to myself (chumee, ask me, ask me!) since I dun want anyone else to hear.

DONE. And that's that? ;;;; I forgot some titles, but it's okay. I guess. Ah, I think I forgot to put some D. Gray-Man.. wait, there it is. Never mind. I thought of others, but hey, I dun know where to put them, exactly.
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