Oliver: Chapter 8: "Christmas"

Nov 26, 2013 02:43

Title: Oliver
Genre: Post-513, Daddy!Fic, Fluff
Summary: Brian and Justin's lives post 513, focusing mainly on raising the newest addition to their family, their son, Oliver.
Timeline: 2013--->
Notes: This story will have 100 'sections', and is based upon the fanfic 100 table, but I'll be rearranging some of it a bit. You can find it here--> Oliver Master Post Table Basically, this story is meant to be a breather for me while I finish my original novel. Each section will be at least 500 words, and with 100 sections, that will mean I will reach the 50,000 nanorwrimo goal when it's completed.
This story is a thank you for all of you fanfiction readers who have stuck by me for so long.I wanted to give you something back that would be a 'feel good' story. Enjoy!

Chapter: 8: "Christmas"

We’re sitting in front of the fireplace, me feeding Oliver, who seems to be content for the first time since we left the house at nine a.m. and Brian being squished between me and Gus who has fallen asleep on his other side. If I didn’t want to risk Oliver getting upset over the flash of camera, because he’s been subjected to paparazzi-like craziness from our families all day, I’d get my camera out and take one of Gus and Brian. Gus is an affectionate kid, but he’s also nearly a teenager. He’s been showing signs of entering into the phase where kids think any affection is gross, so I know Brian is probably more than happy to be his pillow right now. It’s nice to have him here with us tonight, even if he is asleep. The kid was dragged from house to house with me, Brian and Milo all day long. Sure, he got a lot of awesome presents, but he also ate a lot of sugar and as soon as he sat down on the sofa, intending to play his new DS game, he fell asleep.

“You know,” I say, curling in closer to Brian, “it might have been easier if we actually just had another party like we did for Thanksgiving.”

“I hate to even say this, but I think you’re right,” Brian groans, wrapping his arm around me and kissing the side of my head. “Jesus, we’ve got a new baby, couldn’t someone besides us throw something together so we weren’t running across town all fucking day?”

“At least Oliver got some really amazing presents,” I deadpan.

Brian snorts. “I didn’t even get a chance to see any of them because I was too busy trying to calm the kid down.”

“We probably should’ve just come home after appetizers at Ted and Blake’s,” I say, feeling guilty. “At least he actually wants me to hold him now.” The only person Oliver wanted to hold him all day was Brian.

“Yeah, he’s lucky because I think my arms might’ve fallen off if I had to hold him for another five minutes. I know it’s my night to do the three a.m. feed and change, but you’re going to have to trade me or I might drop him.”

I reach out and massage Brian’s right forearm because I know that’s the place that usually aches when I’ve had to hold Oliver for a long time. “I’ll take care of him tonight,” I promise, “and tomorrow too. It’ll be my Christmas present to you.”

“The Christmas present I’d like is if he actually stays the way he is right now,” Brian says, pushing one of his fingers into Oliver’s hand.

“Actually, I’m all right with him growing up a little bit and getting out of the scared of strangers phase.”

“That too,” Brian says, “but I actually meant ‘asleep’.”

“I don’t think he’s asleep quite yet.” I do the bottle check and I’m surprised that Oliver really must be asleep because his sucking reflex wanes and I’m able to take the nipple completely out of his mouth. “I guess he is.”

“Why don’t you get him in his crib and I’ll help Gus up to his room?” Brian suggests, untangling himself from me.

“Sounds good.”

“You don’ haveta help me,” Gus groans, opening and then squinting his eyes at us. “I can do it.”

“Okay,” I say and watch in amusement as Gus gets to his feet and wobbles. He rubs at his eyes the way he used to do when he was a baby, stretches and then suddenly his eyes fly open wide. “Where’s my DS?” he asks, looking around and appearing completely alert now.

Brian laughs, digs his hand into the sofa cushion and hands it to him. “Don’t stay up playing it all night.”

Gus yawns, “I won’t,” and disappears into the hallway.

“Kiss Dada goodnight,” I whisper to Oliver, leaning him close to Brian.

“Night, Olly,” Brian says and kisses Oliver’s cheek before looking up at me and rolling his eyes.

We walk upstairs and Brian peaks into Gus’ bedroom and chuckles softly, “He’s asleep with the DS again.”

I look inside and laugh too. “Aww he’s clutching it like it’s a teddy bear. I really want to take a picture.”

“Shh,” Brian says, pinching my ass. “We don’t have time for that.”

“Why not?” I ask, but still walk out of the room and head down the hall toward the nursery.

Brian turns off Gus’ light, closes his door and then follows me. “Because for the first time in three days both of our children are asleep and it’s before ten o’clock.”

I’m not sure if my heart rate just increased because of the use of the words ‘our children’ or because of what hours alone before Oliver wakes up at 3am may mean for me and Brian. I turn on the nightlight in Oliver’s room as I walk in and carefully transfer him into his crib.

“Oh wait,” Brian says, “I’ll go get his new blanket.”

I roll my eyes. “We don’t have time for me to take a picture of Gus, but we have time for you to go back downstairs and get a blanket?”

“It’s a Gucci blanket,” Brian says, “and he needs the teddy bear too.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I tell him, quietly but firmly. “Goodnight, Oliver. Merry first Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, Olly,” Brian says with a sweet and yet also sarcastic tone. “I’m sorry if you wake up later and Daddy has to go all the way downstairs to get your new favorite stuffed animal.”

I roll my eyes, turn on the baby monitor and pull Brian out into the hallway and close Oliver’s bedroom door. “Seriously, it’s no longer Christmas,” I tell Brian, taking his hand and leading him down toward our bedroom. “No more insane purchases.”

“Says the man who bought a Gucci baby sling for Oliver,” Brian says.

“That was mostly for you and you know it,” I tell him.

Brian pulls me up against him so quickly we both nearly tumble to the floor. “Careful,” I laugh, “or we’ll have to add a trip to the ER to our long-assed day.”

“Not that I’m ungrateful for your designer choice, but I sort of hoped that the first time you bought me a sling, it’d be leather.”

“I’ll remember that the next time I think of enabling your obsession.”

*extra-- because I'm insane and spent way too much time looking at things I thought Oliver would get from the people in his life, for Christmas, there are far too many pics to be posted here. So if you'd like to have a look go to
this link and scroll through the album.

bjfic: fanfic 100: oliver verse, bjfic: oliver, bjfic: fanfic 100

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