Mar 19, 2008 16:11
I have to get a different job. I know it probably isn't the best idea to post anything like this on the internet anytime ever, since companies now seem to expect their employees to be employees even when they're not on the clock, but honestly I don't care. It's not that I don't like the pay or the people I work with, those are fine. It's just that it's so utterly boring to me. Not to mention that it's really messed up my sleep schedule. I know someone has to do the jobs that require getting up early in the morning, it's just that I'm not really one of those people. I know I could ask to work afternoons/evenings, but even then it's the same thing, just monotony over and over again. What's worse is that it's usually not as busy in the evenings, so then there would be even less to do. It's not like I can just surf the internet if I don't have anything to do, I have to make something to do for myself. And I don't really have to do that much thinking either, which for me can be a mixed blessing. It might mean I can just think about stuff I'm interested in, but it tends to mean that I go into crazy hypochondriac mode over the slightest little thing. I really don't have any right to complain, since I'm not supporting myself on what I make like most other people my age are, but it just is such a weight on my shoulders. I dread having to wake up at 3am whenever I have work. At least at the library it'd be quiet, and I wouldn't have to worry about washing my hands every 15 minutes because I've grabbed random rotten shit. And I wouldn't have to be a salesman, which is something that I'll never be able to do. Not to mention the lack of foreboding thoughts about being part of a corporate machine.