(no subject)

Jul 16, 2004 03:53

Galdor: *takes a break from work and visits Naikele*

Naikele: Hi. ::smiles softly::

Galdor: *smiles back* Hi. *strokes her hair* You look a bit tired...

Naikele: Do I? Active baby.

Galdor: *nods* I can't imagine how tiring that must be, though... *kisses her forehead*

Naikele: ::smiles:: Just a litle.

Galdor: Is there anything I can do to help?

Naikele: I don't think so . . . can I do anything for you?

Galdor: *shakes his head and smiles* Just take care of yourself, at least while I'm at work.

Naikele: Which seems like always. ::smiles::

Galdor: *ducks his head and sighs* I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so busy...

Naikele: No. ::sits with some difficulty and touches his arm:: It's not like you belong to me, silly.

Galdor: *smiles softly at that* I'd like to...

Naikele: ::titlts her head:: Hmm?

Galdor: *shakes his head* Nothing... *squeezes her hand*

Naikele: ::smiles:: Oof. It's so kind of you to spend your free time with me, Galdor.

Galdor: *smiles back* It's my pleasure. I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone else...

Naikele: You wouldnt want to rest?

Galdor: *pats her hand* Seeing you takes away any weariness.

Naikele: ::blushes:: You're too kind.

Galdor: *just smiles and kisses her hand*

Naikele: ::shyly:: Would you like to see?

Galdor: See what?

Naikele: The baby?

Galdor: *grins* Oh, I'd love to.

Naikele: Okay. ::pulls a blanket up around her legs and lower torso, then lifts her dress to the top of her stomach so she's decent:: What do you think?

Galdor: *smiles* *softly* beautiful... *can't help but stare at her*

Naikele: ::blinks and puts a hand on her belly lightly:: You really think so? I sort of think it looks like I swallowed something I shouldn't have eaten . . .

Galdor: *puts a hand over hers* I think it's beautiful. You're beautiful.

Naikele: ::blushes deeper:: Here . . . can you see it moving?

Galdor: *watches and nods when he does, grinning madly* It's moving! I didn't know you could see it like that!

Naikele: ::smiles wryly:: Yeah, you can. It's weird, isn't it?

Galdor: *smiles* A bit. It's also the most interesting thing I've ever seen...

Naikele: Oh? ::giggles and shifts her weight a little:: Really?

Galdor: *nods and looks at her lovingly after watching the baby a bit more* Thank you for sharing this with me...

Naikele: Anytime you want. ::smiles and rubs her belly softly:: I think it likes to be touched.

Galdor: May I...? *holds his hand over her stomach*

Naikele: Of course!

Galdor: *smiles softly and rubs her belly, moving gently against the baby*

Naikele: ::inhales:: I like that.

Galdor: *smiles and keeps rubbing* That?

Naikele: ::nods:: It aches, I guess because it's this new weight in my stomach, and I forget how good that feels.

Galdor: *nods also* Well, any time you need it, let me know. *continues rubbing gently*

Naikele: Mmm . . . so, do this often? ::winks::

Galdor: *chuckles* As you wish, my lady. *rubs, then bends and rests his head lightly on her belly, smiling at her*

Naikele: ::smiles back dreamily:: That feels . . . right . . . does that scare you, Galdor?

Galdor: *shakes his head lightly and wraps an arm around her waist* It feels right to me, too...

Naikele: May I give you a kiss?

Galdor: *slightly wide-eyed, nods and scoots closer to her*

Naikele: ::smiles and kisses his cheek lightly::

Galdor: *flushes slightly and smiles back, leaning gently against her* Thank you.

Naikele: ::smiles and ducks her head:: Welcome.

Galdor: *touches her cheek, then holds her hand, watching her*

Naikele: ::blinks, and covers her belly with her dress, flushing madly::

Galdor: *grins and leans in to kiss her forehead* Absolutely breathtaking. *holds her close*

Naikele: ::bites her lip:: You're just saying that, I think.

Galdor: *shakes his head* I've never been more serious.

Naikele: ::turns her eyes to him, slightly teary:: Why?

Galdor: *cups her cheek* I love you, Naikele. Everything about you. I know it's hard to understand, but we can't change the way we feel...

Naikele: ::blinks, surprised as a tear slips out:: I don't understand . . .

Galdor: *catches the tear and wipes it away* Maybe I can try to explain... what part leaves you confused?

Naikele: All of it? ::clutches her hands together; despite her belly, she looks very small::

Galdor: *frowns slightly and strokes her hair* Perhaps start with one thing, and then we'll move on...

Naikele: ::sighs:: I don't understand . . . I knew you before? Am I feeling something new or something I felt before I couldn't remember? And what about you?

Galdor: *begins answering her questions* You did know me before, yes. I... I don't know what you're feeling, and... I really don't know what you felt before you lost your memory... As for me, I've always felt this way about you. Only now, it's stronger, and more powerful...

Naikele: ::bites her lip again:: What is this feeling?

Galdor: Mine? Love. But I don't know about yours...

Naikele: Oh. ::blinks, her hand moving slowly on her belly, conveying small distress or confusion::

Galdor: *covers her hand with his gently* I don't expect anything from you, Naike. I just want you to be happy, always...

Naikele: Galdor . . . may I ask you a question?

Galdor: *nods* Of course.

Naikele: ::sighs and considers the hand rubbing her belly:: Did you give me . . . any of these rings?

Galdor: *looks at her hand, closing his eyes for a moment, then looks back at her and nods* I did...

Naikele: ::has to take this in::

Naikele: ::quietly:: Galdor?

Galdor: *considers his hands in his lap while she's silent, waiting for anything from her*

Galdor: *looks up* Yes?

Naikele: Don't . . . ::pauses::

Galdor: *softly* Don't what, Naike?

Naikele: Don't tell me which one? I don't want to know. We can start clean.

Galdor: *looks at her* Really? *the tone in his voice and the look in his eyes is soft and almost scared, like a child*

Naikele: ::nods quietly, slipping each ring off her fingers one by one and placing them on the table beside her bed:: Clean.

Galdor: *looks at her, a bit shocked, then takes her hands in his and presses his forehead to them*

Naikele: ::frightened:: Galdor? Are you all right?

Galdor: *nods and kisses the backs of her hands, breathing in deeply* I'm just.... surprised...

Naikele: Did I do something?

Galdor: You made me feel relieved, that's all. *offers a small smile*

Naikele: Okay. ::fusses with the blankets, half-relieved herself and half-wondering if she's done the right thing::

Galdor: *fluffs the pillows behind her and sets her gently back against them* Can I get you anything?

Naikele: I think I'm okay. I feel like I swallowed something fluttery, but that's normal.

Galdor: *pets her hair*Water, tea, food, anything at all?

Naikele: ::shakes her head:: I'm okay. Really.

Galdor: okay. *kisses her forehead and leans against her gently, eyes closed*

Naikele: ::reaches her arms around him and holds him, feeling this is the right thing to do::

Galdor: *snuggles into her and holds her close, enjoying her warmth and closeness*

Naikele: ::sighs, rather exhausted from such a simple thing as removing her rings, she falls asleep with her head on his shoulder, still holding him::

Galdor: *shifts and lies next to her, keeping her close and rubbing her back, whispering in her hair* thank you, Naikele...
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