:018 | action

Jun 03, 2010 12:15

[It's late at night when Anise is returned to Luceti! Thankfully, there's nothing out of the ordinary about the little girl walking into the plaza, except maybe for the weary, exhausted look she's got on. Well, that, and the orange plush doll in her arms that looks like it's seen better days and... is in pieces? Suffice to say, Anise is most ( Read more... )

why malnosso why, boooo, not a happy camper, too young for this shit, my bff tokunaga

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[Action - placeholder until tomorrow] its_rose_damnit June 3 2010, 05:11:25 UTC
[Though it's late, Dist is very much awake. He's in the kitchen when Anise arrives, rubbing his eyes wearily and drinking a very strong cup of coffee. He's been seeing rather disturbing images from the corner of his eye as of late and looks exhausted, and slightly pale.

Dist doesn't look up from staring aimlessly into his mug and thinking silently, even when the front door opens and closes and sounds of footsteps fill the house. He's quite distracted.]


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 01:17:11 UTC
[Is he distracted enough not to recognize the pitterpatter of Anise's footsteps, or her shrill distinct voice as she continues talking to Nephry while they enter the house?]


[Action] its_rose_damnit June 4 2010, 01:52:18 UTC
[For a moment, yes, but then the voices really sink in and he looks up, setting his mug down, and moving to peer out the kitchen curiously. Was she really back? Or...was he simply hearing things again?

She was back! And looked safe, too. Try as he might, the older man couldn't help but feel some relief wash over him. I mean, she was still a child, after all. A horrible, unholy little terror of a child, but still a child.]

So you've returned.


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 02:30:16 UTC
[She turns at that, but not before jumping a little. Way to scare a kid, Dist. She glares, and pouts.]

And you're still here, huh? [No, Anise, no that's not going to help when you ask the cranky old man to fix your doll for you-]


[Action] offallingsnow June 4 2010, 02:49:26 UTC
[going to defuse this one before it starts]

Saphir, we have a favor to request.


[Action] its_rose_damnit June 4 2010, 03:38:06 UTC
[He opens his mouth to retort, but straightens when he sees Nephry. He'll get you, my pretty, and your little doll, too.]

Yes? What is it that you need, Nephry?


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 03:43:31 UTC
[Anise does not appreciate being ignored like that, Dist! She shifts around, and were her arms not full of dismantled doll parts, she would be putting her hands on her hips.]

Hey! I'm still here, you know! Boooo.


[Action] offallingsnow June 4 2010, 03:47:29 UTC
[Nephry puts her arm gently around Anise's shoulders. Of course she's still here. And now she'll get a lesson in how to ask Dist to do something.]

The Malnosso took apart Anise's doll. You are the only one here with the skills to fix it. Would you, please?


[Action] its_rose_damnit June 4 2010, 03:55:35 UTC
Quiet, you. [The adults are talking. Dist listens to Nephry, then glances at Anise's doll. Or, well...the remains. His mouth forms a very thin, very tight line as he tries not to burst. His work!! His precious work torn to shreds! Do you know how long it took to put in each tiny piece of fontech?! Ugh.]

Of course I can fix it! But it will take a very long period of time, given the lack of resources and level of damage.


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 04:02:29 UTC
[Quiet? You expect her to be quiet when her precious Tokunaga is in pieces? Anise has half a mind to yell at you, Dist. But Nephry's arm around her shoulders keeps her from doing exactly that. So she just sighs.]

But he'll be okay, right? You can fix him? You're absolutely sure? He's been torn up before, but it was never this bad...


[Action] offallingsnow June 4 2010, 04:08:22 UTC
I know you prefer to work alone, but given the circumstances I know of a few people here who could assist you, even if only to get the necessary materials.

[only if he accepts the offer, that is. And of course, his housemates are always around to help]


[Action] its_rose_damnit June 4 2010, 04:24:25 UTC
Yes, child, I can fix him. I am the one who remodeled him in the first place, and my skills have grown tenfold since then! You'll have your little doll back in due time.

[So quit badgering him. Back to Nephry--] Well...I'm not exactly a seamstress. If the doll itself can be remade, then implementing the machinery will be nothing once I remake it.

Of course...there is another method, though I'm uncertain how well it will work here.


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 04:30:37 UTC
I can sew him back up no problem, so it's fine! Thank you so much, Dist~! ♥ [hugging what's left of Tokunaga to herself now, just happy that her little doll friend is going to be a-okay.]

Another method? Will it be easier, or something?


[Action] offallingsnow June 4 2010, 04:34:25 UTC
[it takes her a few moments to answer. She's gone stiff and pale, and in her eyes is something much colder than an innocent comment should warrant.]

No, Saphir.

[and then she seems to regain herself] With...with all of the differences in this world...the risk to you would be too great. [the only times she's ever seen it, there were no machines involved, just power]


[Action] its_rose_damnit June 4 2010, 04:50:01 UTC
[Before answering Anise's question, Dist spies Nephry's face and pushes his newly crafted glasses up the bridge of his nose, hiding his eyes behind them.]

...I understand.

[Judging by his tone, replication wasn't exactly something he wanted to do, either. And without his machines...well, Nephry had the right idea. He'd have to use the old method. But that was now out of the question. Turning to Anise and giving her a dry look.] Then hop to it. The sooner you get your doll restitched, the sooner I can work on him.


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 05:13:51 UTC
[Since she's facing Dist, she doesn't see Nephry's face. But she does hear that soft, whispered reply. She blinks, understanding, but thinks better of telling the older man off for even considering that possibility. Instead, she brushes it off and holds her doll close, before starting to head in the direction of her room.]

Okay! If I get started now, I should be done by morning! Thanks again, Dist~


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