:018 | action

Jun 03, 2010 12:15

[It's late at night when Anise is returned to Luceti! Thankfully, there's nothing out of the ordinary about the little girl walking into the plaza, except maybe for the weary, exhausted look she's got on. Well, that, and the orange plush doll in her arms that looks like it's seen better days and... is in pieces? Suffice to say, Anise is most ( Read more... )

why malnosso why, boooo, not a happy camper, too young for this shit, my bff tokunaga

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[Action] soreplaceable June 3 2010, 04:27:15 UTC
[With the days getting warmer, staying out later was no trouble for this Fon Master. He'd been spending more time walking around the village lately; Anise was still missing and if something like that butterfly incident happened again when she returned... well. He wanted to be sure that didn't happen. Ion was heading back towards House 1 when a familiar voice caught his attention.]



[Action] galddigger June 3 2010, 04:31:03 UTC
[Anise turns at that voice, and is hard-pressed to keep the relieved smile from appearing on her face. Oh how we've missed you, bff.]

Hey, Ion. I'm back!


[Action] soreplaceable June 3 2010, 04:35:56 UTC
[He takes a step towards her, hesitating only for a moment before running up to her, the brightest of bright smiles spread across his face.]

Anise!! You're back...! [Of course he has to repeat what she just said first.] Are you alright? Did they hurt you anywhere?


[Action] galddigger June 3 2010, 04:40:41 UTC
[She shakes her head.] I'm mostly okay, just really tired. They didn't hurt me [this time], so I'm all right!

[She pauses.] But Tokunaga... [She shifts the plush in her arms around a bit, looking dejected. Then angry. Then she just sighs.]


[Action] soreplaceable June 3 2010, 04:47:17 UTC
[He sighs in relief.] That's good, I'm glad.

[Eyes falling towards the doll, he frowns. Better the doll than yourself, Anise!] ...can it be fixed?


[Action] galddigger June 3 2010, 04:53:06 UTC
I hope so! Is Dist still around? He should be able to patch him up... [She looks at the doll worriedly. She didn't even consider the possibility that it couldn't be fixed, really.]


[Action] soreplaceable June 3 2010, 05:04:58 UTC
Ah, that's right, he is! I'm sure he'd be more than happy to fix Tokunaga for you. [Okay, so they would probably have to beg ask really, really nicely, but Ion's just being an eternal optimist here!]


[Action] galddigger June 3 2010, 09:19:26 UTC
I hope so. I'd really hate for Tokunaga to be this way for too long. [Silly Ion, Anise has Dist wrapped around her little finger. Well, that's what she likes to believe, anyway.]


[Action] soreplaceable June 3 2010, 14:59:42 UTC
[Ion just smiles and nods before taking a glance back towards House 1 and then back at Anise.] Come on, we should probably be heading back.

[And then he reaches over to grab Anise by the hand while they walk. He's really missed you, Anise!]


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 00:24:42 UTC
[And she doesn't really mind, so she'll just ramble on and let herself be tugged along.]

What I'd give for a nice bath and a soft bed, right now! Honestly, I wish they'd send me back a little closer to the house, sometimes. Making the trip back through the forest really sucks.


[Action] soreplaceable June 4 2010, 04:22:51 UTC
[He chuckles.] That would be more convenient, wouldn't it? Though walking back from the forest is probably still better than appearing in someone else's bathroom... [He paused for a moment before clarifying.] Ah, I've seen that happen more than once on the journals before.

[And the most recent had been an occupied bathtub! Now that's inconvenient. And awkward.]


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 05:19:02 UTC
They send people back into bathrooms of people they don't even know?! That's just cruel! [and really creative, but Anise won't say that out loud.] It's bad enough that they hurt one person, but do they have to embarrass someone who isn't even involved? Augh, they're such jerks!


[Action] soreplaceable June 4 2010, 05:37:42 UTC
[Usually Ion wouldn't judge people he'd never truly met, but with the experiments they've been doing, it was hard to see much goodness there. He nods in agreement with an added sigh.]

I wonder if they even have a reason for doing all this. The only Luceti-wide experiment I've seen so far just seemed so random. [And awkward, having your every thought floating above your head... why did so many things the Malnosso do seem awkward? Why so creepy Malnosso?]


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 05:49:17 UTC
[That makes Anise stop and think, for once.] Actually... I can't really remember right now, but I think they do sort of have their own reasons or something. I know some people are trying to find out... There's that locked thing on the journals, anyway. [sigh] It's been such a long time, I can't really remember.

Still, though! That doesn't make them any less of a bunch of jerks! Boo!


[Action] soreplaceable June 4 2010, 06:03:51 UTC
[They'd better be some pretty good reasons to justify everything they've done so far!] I can imagine...

Thankfully, there hasn't been another experiment this past month. At least, I don't think so... there have been a lot of strange things happening, but from what I've heard, they were all caused by residents. [He still had a small mark on the side of his face where he'd been bitten by those butterflies. Experiment or not, they were still horrible!]


[Action] galddigger June 4 2010, 06:25:30 UTC
Lots of strange things? Like what? You were okay, though, right? You didn't get hurt or anything?


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