:017 | Voice + Action

Mar 30, 2010 13:15


[The journal clicks on, and it's a moment before Anise speaks into it. With the way she speaks, it doesn't seem like anything's particularly out of the ordinary. Though if you know her well, you can probably detect that something's wrong.]

Um, for those who knew Colonel Curtiss - it looks like he's gone back home! I just checked his room, and all his stuff's gone, so... uh... Yeah, I just thought that you guys should know! That's all~ Um, thanks for listening! ♥


[And for those who want to find her, she's currently sitting at the desk in Jade's room. She's kind of staring into the plate of curry before her - it was supposed to be his dinner, naturally. But - with Tear, Natalia, Luke and now the Colonel gone back home in the span of three months? four?...]

Boo, Colonel. It's just like you to leave like that.
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