Centauri/Narn Tryst Revealed
Mystery Femme Fatale
Ambassador Assaults Reporter
Security Chief's Dark Secret
and much, much more...
From our correspondent Giselle Burton
ENEMY MINE: The deeply shocking highlight on the recent orgy on the renegade space station Babylon 5 which our reporter risked life and limbs to attend was, without a doubt, the revelations concerning
citizengkar (formerly Ambassador G'Kar of the Narn Regime) and
londo_mollari, Acting Prime Minister and Ambassador of the Centauri Republic. As our readers will undoubtedly renember, no one has yet been able to come up with an explanation as to why the Centauri Republic abruptly changed its policy and ended the occupation of Narn without any military need to do so. It was a mystery that threatened to rival the question as to why the Minbari surrendered after winning the Battle of the Line. Well, Galaxy Gab, your source for finding the solution to every secret in the universe, is now able to reveal the truth, as our reporter was witness to
Citizen G'Kar declaring his love for Londo Mollari.
"I am happy for them," commented G'Kar's aide Na'Toth in
a confidential conversation with our reporter, before revealing her fear that the previously frustrated desire of Mollari might have been the true reason for the bombardment of Narn two years ago. Mollari's aide, Vir Cotto, was visibly plagued by similar concerns as he refused to comment, pointing out the troubles of his own personal life instead. Indeed young Cotto seems to follow into the footsteps of his mentor in more than one sense; he was seen dancing with Mollari's ex-wife
_mariel as well as exchanging whisperings with
Natoth, who refused to confirm or deny having an affair with him herself.
DANGEROUS BEAUTY: Later that evening, Londo Mollari was seen dissappearing with a red-haired woman whose identity remained a secret until an infuriated G'Kar
shouted it to the world, causing the festivities to come to a complete stand-still as he accused Mollari of consorting with none other than
Anna Sheridan. Mrs. Sheridan, previously believed to have died at Z'ha'dum, was and, according to our reporter's research in the official data files, is still married to renegade Earth Force Captain
John Sheridan. Obviously, this makes her the center of not one but two triangles of passion, as Captain Sheridan has publically declared his intention to marry
_delenn of Minbar. Sadly, the femme fatale of the evening was unable to comment on any of the broken hearts she left behind, as she withdrew, in typical fashion with not one but two men as her companions, one of them obviously underage.
PSYCHOSIS UNLEASHED: Anna Sheridan was not the only person believed to be dead who could be seen the most eventful party of the year. The previous Commander of Babylon 5,
Jeffrey Sinclair, who dissappeared mysteriously last year from his posting as Ambassador on Minbar, showed that living among the Minbari did not improve his documented unstable nature as he
assaulted our reporter with a Centauri sword, destroying Galaxy Gab's finest camera equipment in the process. Our reporter barely escaped with her life, no thanks to Sinclair, who undoubtedly tried to destroy proof of yet another shocking discovery - the truth about the man he was seen dancing with, none other than the previous and now, it seems, returned Security Chief of Babylon 5,
FAUSTIAN BARGAIN: Only some weeks ago, as viewers of our sister station ISN will undoubtedly recall, Mr. Garibaldi gave an interview in which he expressed concern about
_sheridan's growing megalomania, god complex, and general behaviour that, according to Mr. Garibaldi, spoke of brainwashing through alien sources. As Mr. Garibaldi accepted a job at Edgars Industries not long after, everything pointed to him being banished from the station, so his return and reinstallment as security chief was puzzling, to say the least. However, our reporter was able to solve the mystery as soon as she saw him dancing with Sinclair. Not only had the presence of his paramour obviously been used as an inducement to return, but it was equally obvious Garibaldi had undergone some radical cosmetic surgery, returning his lost hair and dispensing with some weight. Considering the even more radical changes
_delenn has gone through, it seems likely a Minbari was involved, and indeed a member of the Security Forces who wishes to remain anonymous told this reporter that Garibaldi is in consultation with a "Minbari specialist".
We expect to hear
mikegaribaldi denounce his earlier criticism of
_sheridan soon, for it is obvious that all this benefits luring him back to the station did not come without a price. However, Galaxy Gab will not be fooled. We will remain true to the spirit of the founder of this magazine, Rita Skeeter: Never give up! Never surrender!
Next issue: Gul Dukat: Man of passion and mystery. An exclusive interview