Jul 08, 2006 23:28
i'm going to throw up i don't feel good right now fuck you get some balls i hate me right now i should be out by myself meeting new people but i dont want to i have also decided to forgo ditchallpunctuationtherapy right now because its driving me insane and i think that might be a good thing and now im oging to stop using the basckspace button so if i fuck up oops too bad its so hard to come t eeee~errr! cross out that... i havte always realizing and then ignoring it andgain and then come ing to teh relalization thtat you cant always just odo it again or later... not somealkfjadlfja so much that ill procrastinate and tdo it dotomorro w but like hey ill have antother chance as if life will rewind and i can try it 60 different times and schoose the one il ike...like the way i treat other things butit doesnt i mean dn andakjdfal and you wouldn think that with writingthis post id be liladjfa determined and find something but no not danielle and thats gklajdo ok iright? AHH!shit i jused punctiouaalkfj punctuation not good not good maybe i should do some math homework.. but i look pretty right now andi wanted to go out or see amovie or soemthing bah i guess i dseereve it i shouldve remembered it was thursday but i didnt mean to i just wish dshe didnt have to payt for my mistake ooooops guuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiltb blah blah bla hblah blha b;alkf blah bafu blah blfuafhb;akdfhafkafjfa
you have no idea how much i want to go and edit this writedkfajdfjadfija right now even i f i didnt yuse capitals i want punctiuation and not using the abackspace is starting a twictch twitch
maybe i shoudlfnt have used the enter cakey because that inaway counts as punctiuation or the spacebar for that matter
okiwontuseeither anymoreoopsikennewidfuckupillujustceheatonceiswearbahhhhjuststopitalrieady
Poc ue ux xodx kwrkaw hyam sfhafw dyb hundvawe hyam xdiw
kadvw uy ouybeuzox?
That is my cryptoquote for the day i wounder if ill ever look abackon this and fighure it out...probablynot see i still cheateadwith backspace adn punctiation and stuff