My FiRsT MuSiC ViDeO

Oct 20, 2004 02:47

Last week I was in a music video playing the "role" of photographer. It was for a new Hip Hop artist name "Nitty" and his song is called "Nasty Girl". It was such a fun experience. I got to hang out with RAkim, Chingy, music video great Gloria Velez. I heard so much gossip, met so many great people and just had a wonderful experience. Here are some photos I snuck and took.

Stage Action

Backstage Action

These are the main extras I hung out with the whole time. I hung out with Mark (in the middle) most of the time. But we all had alot of fun.

Lamar did an American Express commercial with Robert DiNero. So cool. So cool. I'm so proud of him. I never had to hope he'd do well because I always knew he would. Now all I have to do is try and do well also.

Well that's all for now. G0d Bless.
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