Aug 01, 2004 00:41
Derby's over... it all ended today.
Kids' Cab is over... it also ended today.
It's such a bittersweet feeling. One part of me is so happy and relieved to be done with all the stress, lack of time, fatique, and dealing with children all day. But another part of me... an even bigger part... is sad.
Even though all that stuff was so tiring and stressful... I'm going to miss all my campers and all the counselours and friends I made there. And though Kids' Cab was becoming more of a chore than something fun for me to do, in the end it all worked out for the best, as it usually does.
The third performance was absolutely flawless. And I felt such a great feeling of pride and happiness for everyone involved. Tonight's performance made me realize exactly why I do Kids' Cab in the first place. For the people. And even though the kids can get so frustrating at times, in the end they appreciate all the hard work you put in for it. Just the fact that they thanked me made me feel special and like I had done at least one thing right and made a slight difference.
Only a few weeks until school for me. I'm excited, though I'm going to miss everyone in Hingham so much. It's because of nights like these. Actually... weekends like these. All through the summer I thought that this summer had sucked and that I wasn't happy. Today made me realize that this summer was one of the best I've ever had in my life... it was just hidden... and I couldn't see it until now.
It's amazing that through all the stress, all the long hours, all the hard work and frustration, you can actually miss being a part of something. A few days ago I couldn't wait to be done with Derby and Kids Cab... now I'm missing them both much more than I expected... and both have only been gone for a few hours.
As far as Kids Cab goes, the show was amazing. I was so proud with everyone... everyone did their part and pulled their weight, whether in the cast, on crew, or on staff. Every night got better and better and better... and to see something that I helped create mold into this amazing show, brings forth such a great feeling of accomplishment. I love everyone who was a part of it. Thanks for making this a great show and a great ending to yet another Kids' Cab season.
Time to sleep... I wonder what the rest of the summer will be like now that I have nothing to do...