Grad Schools ug

Feb 03, 2007 00:57

Well, I got my first Grad School rejection letter. Really impersonal. It was from Yale, which was a reach school (it being Yale and all that) so I'm not that surprised, but's the first time I think I've ever been officially rejected. Like on paper and all that. Luckily since I'm in at a bunch of other schools, including my first choice (U Rochester) it's not too bad feeling. I really did like Yale's program though. It's the only school that I would have seriously considered over Rochester, all things being equal. Also it never feels good to know there was someone out there better than you (even though it's always true).
Besides that, I've been telling schools bit by bit that I'm no longer interested in their programs (usually because they want me to fly out for a visit week and I'm lazy and also don't want to take their money and use up some of mine to check out a school I'm not as interested in). So far I've told U Wisconson, Arizona State, and U Notre Dame that I'm no longer interested. I need to tell Purdue so as well soon.
Then I have U Nebraska Lincoln and Ohio State. Those haven't made me commit at all to them yet, so I don't feel bad about not mentioning Rochester too much. Also, I'm still waiting to visit Rochester and get an official letter and monetary offer--so I really like the idea of having some kind of backups incase something goes terribly wrong with Rochester still. Still waiting to hear from Cornell and U Vermont. I have the feeling though that if I haven't been contacted by now, I'm not in. Or at least, I'm only in if someone else they wanted more drops.
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