Mar 29, 2008 19:43
i have made a resolution to write more and read more... so to start, i will write as much as i can stand a week...
okay, that was a lie, i will only write in here when i feel the urge and write actual personal stuff elsewhere...
i enjoy using ellipsis(es) i don't know how to make that plural, they let me trail off...
after the accident, i have been slowly getting back into shape and playing lots of tennis and ultimate frisbee...
i have been trying to tell myself to take it easy, but the temptation to push myself too hard is definitely there...
I have let my apartment get really messy and i have to clean before my final quarter starts...
i have been catching up on movies and have been enjoying the last spring break of my undergrad career...
the weather has been tres shitty, and i just want the sun to shine for a 5 hour time frame...
i feel as life has been more clear in the last few months due to Dora dying, and me making a decision on what I want to do in life...
focus is a great thing...
okay, enough rambling for one day...