Jan 05, 2016 22:03
This is obviously going to come as a huge surprise to you, but I am, in fact your superior at work.
This seems to have escaped your attention so let me explain. There was a job posting for a promotion three years ago. I applied, interviewed and got the position. You did not. In fact, you didn't even apply.
This means that I can tell you what to do. The opposite does not apply.
I am not your maid, your nurse, your mommy or your bitch. You do not get to sit on your arse and order me around, which is what you tried to do today. You are of the belief that if I'm not doing exactly what you think I should be doing, then I'm not doing anything important. In your mind, I need to be taken in hand and given a job to keep me busy and satisfy your need for control. (Small wonder your kid is an anxious mess with you for a mom.)
Here's a news flash. Just because you don't understand what I'm doing doesn't mean it isn't important. You really have a very limited understanding of how the business works. In fact, you have a very limited understanding of your own job. I can tell by all the stupid, basic questions you ask whenever I'm in your vicinity.
Until now I've played nice and have jumped whenever your whistled, but that has changed. I ain't jumping anymore. I'm not taking orders from you and if you insist on giving them I'm going to insist on politely telling you to do it yourself. I don't have time to play your silly control freak games. Find someone else to boss around.
Look fast. Now that you've complained to upper management that the company-wide scent policy doesn't suit your individual needs and that you weren't consulted, I imagine you'll be out of a job in a few months.
It'll be no great loss.
You're nowhere near as good as you think you are.
Signed: Your former slave.
PS. Get bent.
There. I feel better now.