(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 21:52

Just checked the weather forecast. We had roughly 7 days of sunshine...then overcast today. It's still in the 40s F during the day. Now the forecast is for cloudy and rain through Sunday. The temp forcasts are for 50s at day and upper 30s at night. When we get back to partly cloudy, the temps go back into the 40s/and 20s. No cloud blanket, the warm air from the day just takes off into space.

I thought that I had company, as Pippin was barking like crazy. I checked and no vehicles in the driveway. I went to the end of the couch to get his point of view....squirrels and chipmunks. He would chase everything if I let him. He got his facination of birds from his cocker side and his obsession with rodents and such from his chinese crested side.
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