The Time of the Angels....

Apr 25, 2010 09:13

 You know what, I really liked it...

I didn't like River Song in S4, but actually really enjoyed her in this episode. We see that she has a little bit of a dark side, and also, she comes across a lot softer in this episode. I suppose it's because she isn't actually dealing with a Doctor who does not know her - he went along, and quite willingly saved her, Also, the other reason for her coldness might have been because of Donna, she didn't want to give too much away as she knew the fate of this woman.

I rather liked her flowing dress and she looked rather cool holding some high heels and a gun heading towards wreck.

The story was fantastic. Last time we saw the Angels, I was on the edge of my seat at the end, and SM use of Timey Whimey should be congratulated. I wish RTD had been as clever when plotting his stories. I did love that it turned out that all the statues in the maze were Angels, I did not see that coming, despite them talking about the indigenous race having built the place and having two heads.

I do have criticism though and I'm sorry Mr Smith, but would you mind being a little less like David Tennant and make the role your own? I groaned every time there was a Tennantism... it is in part the lines, but Smith could give them a different delivery.

'Call that flying the TARDIS, ha.'

The whole bit about sacred/scared Bob, very DT. I swear they could have just transplanted Tennant in as the Doctor at any point and I wouldn't have noticed the different. Well, actually, no, DT would have got a little more high pitched at the end and would never have asked for the gun.

What did we think of the military church? I thought it was brilliant actually. I suppose if they were the army  it would be more about peace keeping rather than blowing the hell out of all and sundry.

But the real let down? The BBC putting that coming next tag at the end with a cartoon Graham Norton.... grr... the BBC have this new Saturday night Ident were Norton gets chased by the daleks, I suggest these daleks now shot the little bastard.  

river song, 11th doctor ear, sm era, matt smith, david tennant, s5:the time of the angels/flesh and ston, 11th doctor, series five

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