Okay... back away and calm the hell down

May 26, 2008 18:24

Yes, I'm sure we've all read the spoilers for the up and coming two parter - so now it is time to chill out.

Right, now I've seen the spoilers, I won't publish them, because I'm sure someone has published it on there own f-list.

Okay, so looks like River Song is to be the Doctor's missus, however, this is coming from the man who gave us wibbily wobbily, timey whimey stuff (also, admittedly, he gave us Reinette).

As I have further read, I think River Song is suppose to be his wife from his past but in her future. Now, if that were the case, then I think this will make for an interesting story.

I also think you are all going crazy about a bunch of rumours that have surfaced in THE MIRROR FFS!! Even the Sun didn't see fit to publish that, and that is saying something.

Can we please watch the episodes before booshing Mr Moffat?

Also, just a series connection - 'you're song must end now' it would appear that River is gonna cop it any how.

s4:silence in the library/forest of the, s4:planet of the ood, s3:blink, doctor who, s2:the girl in the fireplace

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