snagged from
1. Season Four of Angel was probably the worse Season of both Buffy and Angel. (Angel)
2. Martha Jones was a terrible companion, driven only by a school girl crush and jealously of her predecesor. (Doctor Who)
3. Riley Finn was only worthy of our mockery. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
4. Russel T Davies only created Torchwood so that he could have shagging in Whoverse, before realising that it didn't work, so effectivly retconned some of the aspects of Series One in favour of a more contempory series to Doctor Who. (Torchwood)
5. The Sarah Jane Adventures is better than Torchwood will ever be. (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
6. The main story arc of The X-Files was boring, over complicated and drawn out. It threatened to engulf the other episodes. (The X-Files)
7. Christopher Eccleson is, in retrospect, a terrible incarnation of the Doctor. (Doctor Who)
8. Spike was the best thing in Season Five of Angel and an excellent replacement for Cordelia Chase. (Angel)
9. Harry Potter is actually a very mediocre character, who isn't really very good at anything other than Quidditch and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and that is why we love him, because he is not perfect. (Harry Potter Series)
10. The Doctor was in love with Rose Tyler, this much is evident from Doomsday. (Doctor Who)
So there we have it. My actual opinions.