(no subject)

May 18, 2011 12:14

 Lately I've been neglecting my flist, sorry y'all *hugs*

A little update, I went to Washington for the first time a month ago or so, and I was really amazed, Washington is such a pretty, clean and bright city! I love it!

Also, I had to buy a new bed because  misanagi is a pain in the ass and kept complaining about 'oh how little your bed' is and 'oh, we don't fit' and all that crap. So I took the opportunity and changed my room color. I had this kind of brothel-like burgundy, it was very classy, and I decided to switch to aquamarine. Only I had a little impasse since I bought everything the same shade. I painted the wall, bought sheets, blankets and cushions, all the same color. Very Bad Idea. I had to run and change a few things so it wouldn't look so under-the-sea. It's still a work in progress, I'll post some pictures as soon as it's done.

My kitties are as cute as always, even though they are either sleeping o destroying the entire house. Seriously. I imagine that's what parents feel with their kids, everything they do is so cute, they can be throwing all the closet on the floor (yes, they did that) and it's adorable.

That's all for now. I hope to write more often :)

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