Aug 01, 2008 18:00

I was just looking at the book list for my fall classes, and am seriously hoping someone messed up. For fun I decided to take a pop culture class, and the teacher is very recommended so I figured it would be a fun class. Well, here is the book list: Madame Bovary, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Streetcar Named Desire, a book on romantic comedies, and another on cultural studies.  I'm not sure about you, but those don't exactly fit into my idea of pop culture.

The other class I was considering (taught by the same professor) was Literature and Film.  Their reading list: 1984, Blade Runner, Fahrenheit 451, Planet of the Apes, and a few others.  Yeah, of the ones I listed I've read all but one, but I would rather do that class for fun.  Figures that one is full now. =_=  But I would have really expected to see at least one of those for pop culture, or at least something similar.  I'm really hoping that the wrong books got posted for the course, especially because I think the list just went up today.  If not, I'm hoping that someone drops out of the other class. ^_~


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