Hi again! Yeah, I'm still here. So what happened? Simple and terrible. It's this all-life-consuming time-eater called...*gasp* school! Going in to a public high school from being homeschooled was, as someone put it, a culture-shock 101, and it completely consumed my life for all of last semester, but I have a lot to be thankful for, like going to a *good* high school instead of one that horror stories are told about. Still, I'm very, very, *very* glad to be freeeeeeeeeeeee for several weeks!!! Yea for summer!
Fic has languished. I've posted a few things, drabbles and such, and I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I'm working on another chapter of A Gardener's Tale. (Quite an interesting response I got to the last one, I think I shocked some. LOL) Anyway, while fic has languished, original fiction has been forced to thrive (I took a creative writing class, which was pretty cool overall, though I could say some things about structure. :() But I do have that class to thank for my first completed long original work! I'm still posting that stuff at
http://www.fictionpress.com/~queengaladriel Other news...hmm. Nothing really. I'm finally updating in the techy area (as in an ipod and MSN messenger), but that's nothing to tell. So I guess I'll shut up now because I don't have anything to say, except the most important thing: I have so missed this!
God bless,