Yayyy Classes??

Jan 08, 2009 12:46

I'm super excited for my Insurgency and Terrorism class-the professor is...interesting, to say the least. He has a ponytail of sorts and really needs to learn to clear his throat when he talks. LOL but really, the class seems very interesting and I'm actually looking forward to doing the reading!

My music class could have gone in two directions and it went in the direction I didn't want it to...as in the history of Film Sound. It's a popular music class and we spent the first lecture watching silent movies and and listening to the orchestra music that goes with them. I thought it was going to be the music featured in films...as in popular music...the name of the course??? oh well...hopefully an easy A.

OChem and Physics...eh.

AND I found out I need to take an Upper Div. Bio Lab by the end of my 2nd year which totally screws me over cause I have to take Gen Chem lab next quarter as well...Spring quarter is gonna suck!!!
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