Corporate Life

May 05, 2007 13:54

so another episode of my beautiful corporate life
as many of you know my company is/was in bankruptcy... well a strange american invention that is called Chapter 11, where basically you are insolvent but you have a chance to reassess all of your finances and create a plan to return to be an healthy and profitable company....
so My unnamed company entered Chapter 11 about 19 months ago and used the period wisely to restructure itself and create what we are told is a competitive model or to use their words:
"We're emerging from Chapter 11 today positioned to compete aggressively around the globe with a best-in-class cost structure and balance sheet, a diversified global network, a renewed focus on the customer experience, and a workforce with a substantial financial stake in the company's future."
all good up to now, we also get a mini bonus for having been good workers, what could one ask for more????
Well you could ask for this..
Our company got relisted on the US stock exchange,
when this happens is traditional that the company rings the opening bell of the NY stock exchange ...
so ... meeting 2 days before the event to inform us that not only our rep would ring the bell at the opening, but also at the closure (historical event it never happened before)
... distribution of cow's bells to every single employee
... wall mounting of mega screen
... installation of videocameras all over the office so that we could be connected (mind you via satellite) to the other worldwide offices
... distribution of corporate t-shirts with the new logo
... distribution of mini-confetti explosive devices
... strict instructions:
at 2.29pm (9.29 NY time) get to the middle of the office, wearing your t-shirt, bell in hand and "looking happy" and excited
at 2.30pm (9.30 NY time) start ringing your bell and shooting the confetti explosive devices smile to the camera and look excited
the ringing went on for a full minute
being management i was put in the front; next to the camera
the camera captured all of our joy with long panes
the images beamed across the globe
and bounced back excited faces from all over the globe
they asked me to shout with joy
and because i am a bitch for my monthly salary i did
my colleagues were really genuinely excited
is it me?
am i wrong?
or did it sound very much like lose your heart tot he corporation love, we are all a big family and we love each other when really we are here only for the money so put on your best face and smile??????


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