EGOMANIA - the ultimate MEME

Mar 23, 2007 12:32

I know I am slow in answering but for the first time in ages I have been busy at work but finally here are the answers to the questions asked by the amazing intellectronica… (it sounds like a magician THE AMAZINGintellectronica)

1. Have you already made any plans for the weeding? aaahhrr, how exciting.
Well yes and no… we have decided that it is going to be here in England, next year very likely around the 25th of April and then I got all OC (obsessive compulsive not the horrible tv show) and started looking for a dress a venue all at the same time - I had a mini break down - Richard shouted at me and now I am smiling and much more relaxed
We are going to do one thing at a time; so expect a date and a guest list to be ready soon
2. What's the single thing you hate most about britalian?
oohhhh that is a difficult one…. I had to think about this hard and long but in the end I have to confess it is his tardiness; it always takes him ages to do things I asked for and as I am a spoiled brat I like things done for me NOW
3. What's the most daring thing you haven't done yet but would consider doing?
The list would be endless … reality is I am willing to give a go to most things as least once - do not judge it if you haven’t tried it would be one of my mottos …. But you have asked and I cannot avoid answering so … i would love to be on a volcano with a scientific expedition while it erupts; in case I did not explain myself here is a picture:

4. Fill in the blanks: whenever I think my life sucks, it always dawns on me how lucky I am to be surrounded by such wonderful people as I am
5. What question could I put here which you would simply refuse to answer?
I really do not know… I am such an egomaniac that I will always take the opportunity to talk about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

OK, now admit, you too want an excuse to talk about yourself on your journal. No problem:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "I too am an egomaniac."
2. I'll then respond by asking you up to five questions. You will answer them, because you like talking about yourself.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


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