Oct 14, 2010 21:06
Things that take on a whole new meaning when taken out of context:
...yeah. This is what happens when a patch is released for WoW and you don't read the notes 'cause you're not hardcore into it or anything and through playing the game you realize quivers no longer exist and now function as a bag since you no longer need to carry arrows.
In other news, my Psych class jumped another few tiers in the AWESOME scale. Lecture started as normal, giant picture of a brain on the projector and then he pushes a button and a zombie jumps out.
"We're talking about zombies!"
He was actually using zombies to demonstrate the functions of different parts of the brain, but it was pretty sweet. Each 'slide' had a different photo of a zombie. Resident Evil, Plants vs. Zombie, Dead Snow, etc.
And yes! Even the bicycle zombie girl from "Walking Dead!" Lol, he used her to illustrate the area of the brain that controls balance and was like: This zombie's *such and such* (I don't remember the section at the moment...takes me a while to get names to stick) isn't working very will since it's fallen over and can't get up.
Meanwhile I'm going: "She didn't fall over! She has no legs!" in my brain but.... yeah.
That's basically the most 'excitement' that's going on at the moment. Will hopefully be going pirate costume shopping tomorrow since I have a short day (only two classes! *fistpump*) and then I need to study as much as I can for the philosophy midterm on Monday. Yay.
games: wow