Jan 30, 2009 11:09
Wouldn't you know it? The one time I don't catch Supernatural on TV and go: "*shrug* I'll just download it later." None of the bloody torrents work. *fist shake* I got one but it was a shit-tastic MKV file with serious lag and was 1gb. No thanks. So I try another one that actually has some seeders and my connection kicks off halfway through, now it's refusing to connect again.
I'd really like to see this episode. *flail* I suppose patience is in order...but I'm horrible for that.
Lets see... Bowling! We didn't go. Yeah. Apparently a bunch of stupid twats work at the alley we were going to and despite the fact that they have a reservations office, they don't do reservations. Then first come first serve fails too 'cause someone came in after us and got the last two lanes. So sure, you're dicks, but we'll wait 'cause we were looking forward to this. 20 minutes? No problem.
45 minutes go by, we ask again, and oh, it's another 20 minutes.
Fuck you.
We ditched that idea and went out to dinner.
Dinner was indeed quite tasty. XD And I got to see my little sister's loser boyfriend busing tables so it wasn't an entire loss of an evening. Muhahaha.
Stayed overnight and enjoyed some gaming and all that jazz. Went to breakfast with a bunch of friends... ate two pancakes and felt sick. ^^; And just generally had a good time.
The Friday before that, I had four hours of work. Yay. Got home and Cory brought over "Repo! The Genetic Opera". I was half stoned on painkillers for my back, but either way, it's a great movie. I'm not a fan of Saw (or gore really for that matter), but it's such a unique concept, and the music is different, kinda complex at times, all around I think it's a must see. Says me who hates musicals.
The Monday after that I had another four hours of work... and now I don't work again 'til next Friday (the 6th), for another four hours.
My next paychecque should be awesome what with the 8 hours I worked in the last two weeks. I think I can officially say now, that I need to start looking for a second job. This is pathetic. I lost quite a bit of sleep last night, thinking about how much money I owe people, plus bills, plus trying to help the family. I hate owing people too, I really do try to pay them back straight away, but it's tricky sometimes.
Didn't help the sleeping factor when my idiot father decides he needs to nail some stuff to the wall against my room at 1 in the fucking morning. Douche. What the hell is he even doing in there? As far as I can tell the room is done save for some plumbing in the sink.
I'm not always such a ball of hate (surprisingly), but I've just been in a shit mood lately. And I've got a headache right now which doesn't help.
So yeah, that's me updating. I'll probably have a happier entry soon-ish, once I get to see Supernatural finally. ^^;
movies: repo,