Apr 05, 2008 12:55
Uhm, okay. Last I checked, it was April. That means WHY THE HELL IS IT SNOWING!?! It started last night and is still going in my area of the city. *flail* I want Spring.
Every now and then the city seems to do this little trick where it just up and skips a season. This seems to be one of those occasions.
Also, Winter? Yeah, go home. You've over stayed your welcome. And you know what? I REALLY don't need snow around on Tuesday what with the driving lessons and all. So if you'd be so kind as to scoot, that'd be super. Kthx.
In other news, that cold that's been lingering for a few days decided to spike randomly yesterday which caused me to miss out on my sister's gig. ;_; I was looking forward to that. Even stayed over at her place and all. Woke up the next morning and couldn't breathe, which turned out to be more because of my cold and less because of the cat for a change.
... then I randomly got a cat hair in my eye and I ran around looking like I had pink eye and my face got all red and kinda rashy. Not fun. But it went down thankfully. Took some antihistamine. Of course then I wasn't sure if I could take any decongestant so I was kinda screwed either way. Figured anaphylactic shock was the worse of the two though. ^^
It doesn't seem to be too bad today, just a bit of congestion.
Random: Movies need to stop using those long suffering "NOOOOOooooooooooooooo" lines. They're just cheesy.