Mar 18, 2008 23:55
I survived! As expected, the driving thing wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. I did stall the car once though and the teacher guy had to use that other brake pedal a couple times, but all in all I apparently did quite well. Surprisingly. Apparently I'm a quick learner when it comes to shifting gears. I blame my big bro Cory and, to a lesser extent, video games. ^^ Still having trouble with the whole backing up thing and shoulder checking. ^^; I have a feeling I'm going to be one of those asshats that just kinda wanders into the lane whenever they feel like it. But I'll try not to be! Must improve on that, 'cause I was on the receiving end of one of those jerkwads once, and it was scary as hell.
Next session is on the 8:30am. Really not happy about the timing on that one.
Anyhoo, now that the stress of that is gone, I'm feeling quite a bit better.
I did not sleep well last night. >.> Heh. Wonder why...
Then I finally got a good chunk of sleep around 7:30am, only then I had to get up at 8:30 in order to get to work on time, so naturally I slept in a bit and ended up being late. Turns out my coworker thought he was working my shift though and ended up going in and opening up the store, only to phone me to ask for me to work since he was throwing up...Yeah. So I get in there, since it was my shift after all, and then begins the scramble of finding someone to come in for him in the afternoon. Of course the one guy has school and the other guy can't be gotten a hold of, so it's off to the bosses for help, but the one had an appointment and the other one already works seven days a week. The last one there ended up coming in, but oh was she pissed. I'm glad I don't make her mad, honestly. She let me leave at 4:00pm, rather than 4:30 as I had planned, which really helped me out.
So yeah, my stress level today was through the roof, and I've got another one of those damn headaches. I'm assuming it's from stress just 'cause I don't like to think of other reasons that a person might get constant recurring headaches over the course of weeks...
That trip to Japan is looking better and better... I'm beginning to think a month is a good time frame. I need to get out of here. Mellow out a bit.
In TV news, as I said Jericho was on yesterday, and it was also on today as it's supposed to be. I don't know how A Channel can get away with airing the new episodes before they even air on CBS. Doesn't make sense to me.
Jericho: Wah! *hugs Jake* The poor guy, there were times I wanted to cry for him. The interaction between him and his grandpa when he was hallucinating was adorable. I love his grandpa. ^-^
Man, everyone acted the HELL out of that episode. It was great. I just really didn't like the camera style they adopted in the action sequences. It was more of a "OMG shake the camera so they can't see what's going on!!" to me that's more of a cop out for low budget effects (despite my love of the movie, I have to reference the blurry effects used in "Sunshine" near the end to make up for the, well, make up effects). Considering the conditions the show is under though, I can understand that. Still, amazing episode. XD One thing though, when Stanley and Mimi were having that really serious dramatic moment, I was horribly distracted by that little scar or whatever is on Stanley's chin. I never noticed that before and I couldn't look away. It was SO distracting. *boggled* It's just this random white line sitting there on his chin... Lol. Yeah I'm weird.
One Tree Hill: That BITCH!!
Now that that's out of the way...I'm in a really weird state after watching that episode. Mostly because, for one, I didn't want Lindsey and Lucas to get together (another thing that distracted me is the fact that their initials are the same. Lucas Eugene Scott, Lindsey Elenore or something Strauss. People might think that's cute but I know how annoying it is. Just recently I realized I have the exact same initials as my dad, so now whenever we get mail from the government, I never know if it's for me or him, unless they add "Major" to it). I'm happy she realized that his heart was truly conflicted and she called off the wedding, but I'm pissed at her for going so far with the charade ('cause I have a feeling she's known this all along)that Luke got his hopes up. The guy's obviously got some abandonment issues, and I'm sure that's not going to help matters. All in all though, I'm glad he's free to see Peyton again and I love the story he's writing and how it ties in to her car. ^-^
Then there's the matter of that nanny bitch who stole Jamie. *flailage* I HATE HER SO MUCH. Never liked her to begin with and always figured that would happen. As much as I hate Dan too, I couldn't help but laugh appreciatively with his handling of her. HAH.
Finally: Yay! Andy's back! :B
Random fact of the day: I've recently gotten back into my obsession over Weiß Kreuz. Where that came from? I've no idea, but I've been trying to track down all the old fanfiction sites I had...which is difficult 'cause most of them have seemed to have died over the years. Boo-urns.
Random fact the second: I'm thinking of getting an InsaneJournal account, in case I need to jump ship at some point. Haven't done it yet, but I'm contemplating it.
And yeah, I'm gonna go try out Every Extend Extra on my PSP and pass out for a bit. :B Yay.
tv: jericho,
tv: one tree hill