Feels like a long time since I last updated.
Monday: Hung out with
alias_chick, which was super fun as always. I borrowed Lost season 1 from her which has been taking up a lot of my time. ^^ OMG! Also watched "Dead and Breakfast", that movie freakin' rocks. It's a B horror/comedy movie with Jeffery Dean Morgan, Rockabilly music, David Carradine XD, and zombies. Zombies that line-dance and do the Thriller.
Oh yes, it is made of win.
magister_pyro and I met up with
alias_chick and her friend and watched Spiderman 3! I'm still not quite sure what I think of it to be honest. I keep swinging from "OMGYay!" to "...that's all kinds of corny." Overall I liked it though. Venom was freakin' sweet. I have to say though, not to keen on EmoBang!Peter and the blatant America Propaganda.
I was, however, singing the Spiderman theme the rest of the day...which got interesting when the rest of the day was spent at WEM. ^^ Pyro and I had dinner at Hoang Long (great Asian food at good prices!) and checked out a few stores.
Also found out that Reverend Horton Heat was playing a show tonight!! Wish I would've known sooner.
Jericho Finale: I really, really didn't want Johnston to die!! But to be honest, I was kinda expecting it. It'll be neat to see what they do with the show next season (there had BETTER be a next season...). As a finale in general though? It lacked oomph. Either my expectations for finales have been raised to amazing levels thanks to Supernatural and now Prison Break, or I dunno...something. This one felt like just another episode. Still great though.
Bones: Yay Hodgins and Angela!! XD This episode made me happy. And the glowing bacteria thingie was pretty interesting. If I were to talk about all the things in here that I enjoyed, I'd be rambling on for far too long, so in general it gets a big: YAY!
Lost: O_o Holy crap. Totally wasn't expecting that. No one seems to stay dead on that show, and well...technically he didn't die, but you know. I expect to see him again, in one form or another. Neat to have a look into Ben's past too. The guy still creeps me right out though.
And for the record, I still don't like Juliette...
I made my first ever batch of pancakes today! *laughs* How sad is that? I'm 20 and this is the first time I've made them... but they were really good! And they didn't catch fire or blow up like my other breakfast foods. ^^; Victory for Jackyl!
Can't wait for tomorrow's Supernatural finale (part 1)!