Dec 06, 2006 20:01
Weeell, not too interesting, as usual, but here's my day, or at least the second half, 'cause gods know the mornings are always riveting.
Went out with me Mum again since she had to pick some things up from Canadian Tire ("I'll start with you!") and then onto a doctor's appointment. There, we picked up a requisition for me (I have yet another Ultrasound appointment in 6 months' time. Like I said, still no change, but they said its a. . . common cyst? I think that was the term. Anyhoo, it's apparently not one to really worry about. Since appointment times have changed from every three months to every six, I take it as a good sign). We also made an appointment for myself to see the doc since the leg pain has actually gotten worse in my right leg, and is very obviously a pinched nerve originating from the small of my back. It get's to the point that when I'm walking, my whole leg, right down to my foot, goes numb. O_o That and there's a whole lotta pain that has me taking extra strength advil, religiously (me, who is anti-painkillers).
So that's all done then. Hopefully they have something constructive to say about things, and perhaps something proactive to do rather than just send me for pointless x-rays (not a bone problem you wankers!!) and pump me full of Naproxen (oh yeah, the leg pain goes away, but ushers in a whole new realm of stomach pain and queasiness. . . )
Stopped in at the mall for Mum to pick up her perscriptions. I looked around for the last little bit of my x-mas shopping but found nothing. I DID however find "From Hell" for $10.00, so I picked it up. ^^; Between that and my new book Mum's a little worried about me. Serial killers don't usually interest me, but the minds of these two (one?) are just. . . so odd. It intrigues me.
So yeah, anyhoo, we get home and let the dog out and. . . well, I notice after a while she's just sitting. In the snow. Oddly. She never does that. So we try calling her in, she's having a hard time walking in the snow. I went out to go get her and managed to coax her in. We think she hurt, possibly broke, her hip. T_T Unfortunately the vet's closed now, so we have to wait 'til morning. I'm just rather worried since she's a fairly old dog now.
And that's it.
Oh, watched Bones tonight. It's probably a repeat, but I hadn't seen it before. It was really quite interesting, as they usually are. Quite a twist on things. While we were out today Mum pointed out the box set of Season 1 to me. D: So want to buy it! I'm making myself wait until all my x-mas shopping is done though.
New Supernatural tomorrow! OMGYay!