End of the year 2008

Dec 31, 2008 10:20

For a lot of people, this year will go down as a bad one. For me, it will go down as the year the people spoke and we finally got a president who I believe will help us here and in the world. One who cares about this country and all Americans.

It was also the year that I learned, more than ever before, how much I need true friendship and how phoney and horrible some people can be. I love my true friends. The ones who aren't my true friends, you can go take a flying leap, or as Dad used to say, a long walk off a short pier.

I'm genuinely sorry for any hardships that any of my enemies, (you know who you are and you ARE my enemies), had to go through this year. I don't wish hardship or pain on anyone. Your own hypocrisy and inability to be nice to people who are nice to you will get you in the end. You wouldn't know loyalty if it bit you in the ass, but I do. You all actually thought you could turn on someone who has been a better friend to me than you know how to be to anyone, and I would take it lying down and then not tell that person? I don't think so. You were really that out of touch with reality but that doesn't surprise me. It does, however, make me laugh.

Speaking of laughter, you do realize that people all over the world can see your pictures and your vids on YouTube and all the other stuff you put on the net? I'll let you guess what I'm talking about, but I'll bet you know. That stuff is the best comedy of this or any year! You can't buy entertainment like that. ;)

I've also learned that some people who I thought were my friends would rather imagine that they're in the life of someone famous and get rid of me as a friend. You also know who you are and if you don't, too bad. I feel sorry for the next sucker who comes into your lair. I wonder if that person will sit back and let you take a live journal site that they helped start and worked on and felt good about and even paid for, right out from under their feet? It will be interesting to see if that ever happens again. I doubt it as most people I talk to about you and who know all of you are hip to your antics.

I also wonder, (but I don't spend too much thinking about it as I have much nicer things and people to think about), how you're all going to function when certain tv shows are off the air and you don't see or hear of your beloved certain person so much? How many break downs will there be? But remember, I don't think about it too much, because as my grandmother used to say, of a thousand thoughts, you're my last.

I would say that frienships were broken up this year, and on the surface they were, but they weren't real friendships so they don't matter. I now see that when something really great happened to a certain person, well, that's when the use job contingent swooped in. Don't you worry, we all know when that was and who it was who used who. Good luck using the next person. I hope for all their sakes they're not as dumb as we were.

Have a good 2009 former "friends". All I can wish for you is that you have the same kind of
2009 that you tried to give us in 2008. You didn't succeed though, never think that. Instead of ending the year put down and feeling sad, I have wonderful friends now, who really care about me and all the other people you don't like. We're all refugess from that place on the net where our ideas, thoughts and feelings weren't good enough to be on there anymore. You gave it all up for a tv show and a bunch of rude, threatening, harassing freaks. As much as I dislike you all, I hope you don't have to ever see the kind of emails that those freaks sent me, calling me names such as "cunt." Would you like to read that? I don't think so. They're a bunch of pussies though who would never have the guts to say any of that awful stuff to my face. The shame if it all: they breed!

All over a tv show! Newsflash: tv shows don't last. What a bunch you are! You all deserve each other.

Happy New Year! Laughing My Ass Off!


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