Mar 05, 2008 03:15
I have to start this post by saying that anyone who doesn't like my politics (if they read my journal), please feel free to defriend me. I won't be upset.
My eyes and ears have just been blighted by the sight and sound of Hilary the Queen (as she thinks she is)in the by now famous campaign speech where she goes on about how she has a lifetime of experience (doing what exactly Hilary?) I know Obama was a law professor but before you married Bill in order to ride his coat tails all the way to the White House, can you please tell me and the many other 52 year old white women who don't fall into your oh so neatly laid out demographics, of what your much vaunted experience actually consists?
According to you, oh Pant Suited One, you and John McCain have a lifetime of stuff you've done and Obama has a speech. If that's the case, why don't you leave the Democratic Party, (if only!) and join the Republicsns. That way you can be his vice president. Won't that be cool?
You'd make me laugh if you didn't make me so sick. You think the nomination is your birthright. I'd like to know what other women Democratic senators who have worked long and hard to get where they are think of you and your "birthright." Not much I'd guess.
You'd make me laugh Hilary, if you didn't get up there tonight, in Ohio, acting like you just became President of the world. Let me tell you something. Not all parts of this country like you as much as they seem to in Ohio and you'd better enjoy it while it lasts. You couldn't hope to do a speech as inspiring as what Obama said tonight. You don't have it in you. I'm surprised you didn't come out and do the royal wave like you usally do. That's just as hilarious aa the sight of Bill and Chelsea, heads bowed in prayer at the megachurch this past weekend. Maybe that's what did the trick? What a bunch of hypocrites you all are.
Now that you've got your big wins in Ohio and Texas, (the Texas one wasn't even close and you lost the caucuses as everyone said you would!), Obama has to fight you and your minions who want a job in your administration instead of concentrating on campaigning against McCain to try to become the Democratic president that we and the world want us to have.
What's that to you though Hilary, as long as you can go on for another seven weeks of doing such wonderful things as pretending that you're the second coming of all that's wonderful. With you going on you're going to make it even more difficult for a Democrat to become president.
You know what Hilary? You can pretend that you think Barack is a Muslim when you know damn well that he's not, you with that sniveling sneer and that comment that he's never given you any reason to think that he's a Muslim. You can pretend that you're not for Nafta when we all know that you still are and that you got in touch with someone in the right wing Canadian government to back you up on some crap that you made up. Let's not forget that you just voted on getting Peru into the deal.
I'm glad that you can fool them in Ohio and Texas. You can't fool me,or anyone in my family and my circle of friends, even my almost 80 year old aunt Mitzi who has more decency in her one finger than you have in your whole body. You're some feminist, Hilary. I'm not one, I'm a humanist but I've never claimed to be one and I don't fly the woman flag like you and your disgraceful friend Gloria Steinhem who wrote the op ed piece in the NY Times about how it's a woman's turn to be president because black men got the vote years before women did. And tell me how many black men wound up hanging in trees, put there while they were on their way to vote? You know damn right well black men couldn't vote before the sixties and that right was bought and paid for in blood.
I was going to wait to leave the Democratic party if you got the nomination. I was hoping to see a great big group walk out of the convention and turn their back on you and the party. You're not a unifier. You don't give a damn if the party is united. All you want is to be president so you can say, see, I did it! You can fool all those women into thinking they have someone to look up to in you. I have women to look up to. My late mother, my aunt, and all of my friends, who are all three times the woman you are and could run circles around you, Hillary. My mother could have been one of the greatet presidents this country has ever seen. Right up there with Jefferson and Lincoln. You? Not so much. I'd love to see a woman president. Just not you.
I loved it when you implied that you were being picked on because you're a woman. You'd better learn how to take it babe. The air is rare where you want to be but you should know since you, your husband and the people that worked for him were (and are), as cutthroat as they come.
You couldn't hope to inspire young and old of all colors the way Barack has. I'm changing my party affiliation to Independant tomorrow. I don't want anything to do with a party that is full of the people who voted for you tonight and the people that you and Bill will strong arm into giving you the nomination. This country and the world doesn't want you and your bullshit from the 90's Hilary. They want the future and the future is Barack Obama. Don't get too cocky hon. It ain't over yet!
hilary hating