It's time for an update~! ☆
- Movie #2 will be called
"Sayonara no Tsubasa"! No word on the release date.
Yoko Kanno sheet music goes on sale! The collection includes "Universal Bunny," "Pink Monsoon," "Obelisk," "What 'Bout My Star," "Sou Da Yo," "Blue Ether," and "Ninjin Loves You Yeah!" (And, for the less Frontier-minded, "Real Folk Blues.")
Some excerpts from a May'n interview... Interviewer: You have done many duets with Yoshiki Fukuyama-san (Totsugeki Love Heart) and Megumi Nakajima-san (“Lion”), what was it like working with them? Are there any differences working between the two?
May’N: It’s kind of different when singing with both of them. When I sing with Megumi, I have to sing like Sheryl and Ranka. Ranka admires Sheryl in the Macross world so I have to act like older sister.
I have always admire Fukuyama-san and Sheryl also admires Basara in the Macross Universe (laughs). Therefore in duet with Fukuyama-san, the singing would be an expression of admiration of a younger sister. Fans in Japan are very happy with the duet performances for tomorrow concert. Both Megumi and Fukuyama are real professionals so I enjoy working with both of them very much.
I've missed so much by not paying attention to blogs recently! I'll catch up by posting lyrics from the "Universal Bunny" album soon.