Aug 14, 2011 14:08
Why does our culture think that pedophilia, child rape- incestuous or otherwise- is not a crime against humanity and the spirit? Why is pedophilia not a death penalty offense? The inclination towards or preference for pedophilia is known to be utterly resistant to therapy, behaviour modification or anything else designed to assist the offender in understanding that their actions are unacceptable and damaging. The great majority of offenders (in some institutions over 98%) insist that there is nothing wrong with what they do and that sex with a two year old, for instance, is not only ok but an 'act of loving care'. Pedophiles form support groups for one another, they hide each other's crimes, they assist one another to abduct, rape, torture and sometimes kill their captives, they share pornography with each other that depicts children being raped and abused.
WHY does our society tolerate this? Why do we allow these creatures back into our society, from prison sentence after prison sentence, to offend again and again, to destroy childhoods again and again? What logic is being used here? Do we, as a society, hold the wellbeing of children in such contempt that we will continue to tolerate the weak and self-interested actions of those in power who refuse to lift this crime to the seriousness it deserves? It is well documented how many judges, police, clergy, politicians and others in positions of power are involved in pedophile rings, so it's little surprise that those in 'power' have little interest in handing out life sentences for the crime of raping children.
Will it take the development of a private hit squad to rid us of these cockroaches, these repeat offender child rapists? 1-800-squash-a-rockspider? What is it going to take to send the message to these people that after we catch and convict them, they're not going to like what happens, not one little bit? I'm advocating a Dexter like approach here- be meticulous with establishing the case against, make absolutely certain that it's the right person, and then eliminate. Whose rights need more protection- the grown adult who thinks it's ok to penetrate his, or someone else's- eight month old child, or the child?
Time to grow up a little, methinks- one cannot be reasonable with unreasonable creatures. There is no bridge that can be built here, no safe space with supremely unsafe people. Do it once, go to jail, do it twice, lose all rights and that includes life.
That's how I see it. We are doing a dismally poor job of either rehabilitation or protection of the innocent with our current system. Let's up the stakes a bit.