So, the BFI (am I, like, on a mission or something?) is
celebrating their 75th birthday this year. Maybe that's why they've put the extra effort in to have a standout festival line-up, who knows?
They're running this thing called
Visions of the Future, where they asked
75 key media figures two questions and then published their responses.
These were the films chosen. You can
VOTE for one of these films yourself, or submit your own (bottom of page in link).
So, carrying on from that book post I did the other day, I wanted to pose these very same questions to you:
Q1 Which one film would you wish to share with future generations?
Q2 What excites you about the future of the moving image?
In the interests of not really taking it all that seriously, I immediately suggested Inland Empire (quelle surprise). Not because I don't take it that seriously as a film, not at all. But mainly because Lynch's film is about films, among other things, and tends to look from the inside out at what they might mean. Or thereabouts. And also because: a) choosing one film is hard and slightly ridiculous, and b) it was the first proper candidate I considered that popped into my head; my default choice at the moment, I guess. And going by this method of judgement it must mean something to me. I'd have to think about what alternative suggestions I'd choose. I'm sure there are a few.
Also, I think Inland Empire contains enough bonkers narrative weaving, lovely reverberating sounds and noises and illogical imagery to sustain anyone's curiosity beyond its three hours, and for a long time to come. Or so I put on my quick vote on the site the other night. Whatever though, I loves it.
I didn't bother with the second question. Mainly because I don't really know, right now, what excites me about the future of the moving image... the fact that artists will undoubtedly continue and continue even more to find new ways to record and answer (gasp!) Big Human Questions?... That we could still be looking for the Funniest Film Ever Made? I dunno.
Go for it...