May 23, 2009 17:29
Although I guess I didn't post about it last.... so in August of last year I was summoned for Jury service (during the first week of school no less) Even though I told them that I had classes, I was still picked for the short list to appear. Normally in most states if you're a student, you're immune to jury summons. but NOOOO not here. *facepalm* so I had to actually call in every day for a week to see if I had to appear the next day. best I could tell my teachers was that I *might* miss class. Well, at least I never did actually have to show up. But still, it was annoying.
now, fast forward to Today. I thought since I was actually "summoned" that I couldn't be summoned again for 2 years. It has been, in fact, less than one year since then. so, WTF!! but apparently it only counts if I show up T_T SO at the end of June I have to go be incredibly bored from upwards of a day to a week or more. yay me T_T
I don't really mind since it's in the summer. I"m not making money anyway. who knows, maybe I'll get on a high profile case and I can write a book later :D
ETA: oh yeah, and the Utah jury qualification form online? epic fail! I go to log in,
site: you need IE 5 or greater
me: *grumble grumble* *opens IE 8*
site: you need IE 5 or greater
me: WTF??
site: oh hehe sorry, did we forget to mention that we haven't updated our site for Windows Vista even though it's been out for over 2 years? If you have vista you'll have to use mail or fax (srsly, who faxes anymore? :/)
me: *headdesk* uh...all our computers have vista D: ....oh wait! old crappy laptop has XP :|
so I had to go find my old crappy laptop and do it on there. srsly... I'm lucky I haven't gotten rid of it yet >.>;;