Good things

Jun 10, 2009 17:49

  • A somewhat-reduced-guilt mental health day. Sleep, sweet needed sleep.
  • Red wine. 'Nuff said.
  • Permission for self-gentleness.
  • Being within walking distance of a swimming beach. Nearly went swimming Monday in the hot hot heat, until I got knee-deep and spotted a jelly fish gooing toward me. That did me in, but I'll work up the nerve soon enough.
  • Weeds episodes. I'm re-watching them (enough of Big Love for now) and as rediculous of a show as it can be, it makes me smile.
  • Waves of strength and clarity, temporary though they may be.
  • Art studio silver ring-forming workshop on Saturday. I've got a design in mind.
  • Almost-done-school. The light at the end of the tunnel glows close.
  • Soon-to-come PLEA response. (Unfortunately hotmail seems to be down? Grrr...seriously of all weeks!?!) The response itself terrifies me, but a step toward ending the limbo that is my life? Yes, a good thing.
  • A kick-ass fam-damily.
  • Being surrounded, though subtly, by good people. All around good people.

mental health day, less batshitcrazy, the neverending plea application, the fam

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