(no subject)

Oct 27, 2013 00:57

So apparently socials are a Manitoban thing? I figured everywhere would have them, but a bunch of people I've talked to have never heard of them.

Social: like two months before a wedding the couple throw a massive party at a legion or community centre and invite anyone they've ever blinked twice at. Tickets are 10 bucks, and then there's beer tickets, silent auction tickets and a bottle drop. And usually a good DJ, and rye bread sandwiches.

All the money goes towards having a good wedding with an open bar. Also that way at a wedding you can have a smaller invite list, of just family and besties, because all your b&c list acquaintances already went to the social.

I just got back from a Halloween themed one. Everyone were great sports, everyone was dressed. I am so tired I'm ready to pass out. The couple's song was country, which was painful, but there was a lot of classic 90's, and some good techno too. Couldn't stop thinking about how much more fun it would have been with Jasley there. A lot of people were coupled, I want my couple. Love you sweet thing [<3
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