(no subject)

Dec 03, 2012 03:29

Title: Love's Lawbreakers
Fandom Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius/Remus/James. Established Sirius/Remus, mentions of James/Lily and James/OMC
Rating: nc17
Wordcount: 11k
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, non-commercial work of fiction.
Summary: The Marauders have never been known for following the rules. In general it’s when they disobey the rules completely that the best things happen. Remus gets to go to Hogwarts. Sirius becomes the first Black to ever be a Gryffindor. James teaches them how to be animagi. Peter scouts the castle well enough to make the Marauder’s Map.

Seventh year is just another example of rules well ignored. James breaks the rules of dating to experiment with another man. Sirius breaks the law to rescue James when he gets in over his head. Remus breaks the rules of love to allow himself to need two people at once. Peter breaks the rules of Hogwarts to not report illicit goings on.

But what else can they do? If they followed all the rules they wouldn’t be Gryffindors.

Fic: here
Artwork by
waterofthemoon here
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