(no subject)

May 23, 2012 00:04

I was going to spend last night with Kay and Vince, reading fic on Vince's iPad while Vince played Diablo and Kay played Final fantasy.

Yeah. That's not what happened. When I got in the car Kay was like "my other friend left a 40 at my house, she's not coming back for it. Wanna get drunk for free?" There is only one possible answer to that question.

Vince tried to make us watch a movie about an exorcism. This derailed when Kay started talking about how much she wanted to fuck the priest. Which devolved to how she just wants to have sex, which moved to multiple orgasms, which slid to do asexuals still masturbate? to me and Jasley's relationship, to Vince and his BF's relationship, back to Kay and wanting to fuck guys. There was no movie, only multiple hours of talking about sex.

At some point we decided it would be better if Vince was Alexandria for a while, so he put on one of his drag outfits. And then Kay put on another. And then it turned into a What Not To Wear thing, as Vince tried every article in his closet on and had us rate him on each. This involved a lot of smutty comments. One of his t-shirts had handles across the shoulders. That was GOLD.

And then Vince crashed and Kay tried to, but she couldn't fall asleep, so at 7 in the morning we walked to Safeway and got poptarts and chocolate. And then we watched horror movies for the next three hours. By the time I was home I felt fucking awful, having only had grape soda and Rolos to eat in the last day.

I will always be grateful for the fact that beyond the actual fandom obsessiveness, my RL friends are almost exactly like my fandom friends. All sex, insomnia, and hysterical laughter. <3
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