(no subject)

Jan 18, 2012 00:04

This is a list of companies that support SOPA. Some are obvious, like ABC/NBC, etc. Some though I found personally shocking. I'm going through the list and emailing companies I recognise and am upset about, asking them why they support such a thing. This is the one I'm sending to Harper Collins:

So, I've recently found out your company supports censorship. I was wondering if you could give me a reason that I should continue to purchase your books? I currently can't think of one, but possibly you have an idea?

Also, is there any particular place I should send my books to be burned? Obviously I can't read them, as according to your company, knowledge is a bad thing. If you'd like, I can contact my local schools and libraries and inform them of your position that knowledge is a dangerous thing for the common citizen to have? I certainly wouldn't want children to receive an education, if that's not what Hollywood tells me I want for them.

Truly, I'm very disappointed Diana Wynne Jones published under you. I make a habit of buying multiple copies of the authors I love and donating them to libraries and shelters. I love her work, but I clearly can't buy more of them and support a company that supports ignorance and censorship.

If you can take five minutes out of your day to email a company and assure them you as an individual aren't happy, it might help. Maybe not. I'm not an idealist, I know we can't fix everything. But we do know that Nintendo, Sony Entertainment and Electronic Arts got enough flack for it that they removed their support. So just do something.

And that goes doubly if you're an American. Most of the people I've seen on Twitter talking about how bad this is live in countries outside of the states. I'm Canadian. I don't HAVE a senator to contact. I can contact all the companies I want, and I can sign petitions and make my family sign, but I'm not in a position to contact politicians. If you can do it, do it. The United States laws affect us all, but you're the ones that can truly fight it.
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